Baby Growth And Development 16- 18 Month Milestones

By Samrat Saxena|2 - 3 mins read| February 15, 2024

At 16- 18 months, babies are reaching some exciting experimental milestones.

Here are some of the things parents can expect during this stage of their child’s growth:

Language Development

Your baby is now starting to understand more words and expressions. They may be suitable to follow simple directions, such as” Give me the ball” or” Come here.” They may also be able to say a few words or sounds, such as “mama”, “dada” or “bye-bye.” Encourage their language development by talking to them constantly and reading books together.

Motor Skills

At this age, babies are becoming more coordinated and skilled in their movements. They may be able to walk or even run, and they may be suitable to climb stairs with assistance. They may also be able to use their hands and fingers more precisely, such as picking up small objects with their fingertips.

Cognitive Development

Your baby is getting more curious about the world around them and may enjoy exploring new things. They may also start to understand cause and effect, similar to pushing a button to make a toy light up or make noise. They may also start to imitate the actions of others, such as pretending to talk on the phone.

Social and Emotional Development

Your baby is starting to develop a sense of independence and may want to do things on their own, such as feeding themselves or choosing which toy to play with. They may also start to witness separation anxiety when you leave them with a caregiver. Encourage their independence while also reassuring them that you’ll always come back.


At this age, most babies need about 11- 14 hours of sleep per day, including naps. They may start to resist nap time or bedtime, but it’s important to establish a harmonious sleep routine to help them get the rest they need.


Your baby’s diet should include a variety of healthy foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. They may start to show preferences for certain foods and may indeed refuse others. Keep offering a variety of foods and encourage them to try new things.


Your baby will enjoy playing with toys that encourage exploration and imagination, similar to blocks, balls, and stuffed animals. They may also enjoy playing with other children but will need close supervision to ensure they play safely.

As your baby continues to grow and develop, it’s important to provide a safe and nurturing environment that encourages curiosity and independence. Encourage their language development, give plenty of openings for play and exploration, and establish consistent sleep and eating routines to help them thrive.

TheParentZ provides Parenting Tips & Advice to parents.

About The Author:

Samrat Saxena

Last Updated: Thu Feb 15 2024

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