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himanshi arora
answered 25 Sep 2020

In my point of view, Tv has a negative impact on the mind of babies. 

1.  It weakens their eyesight

2. It also leads to severe headache

3. Once they get addicted to television, they don't want to focus on other things and continuously watch tv which will impact their mental and physical health

4. Babies watch some cartoons which show actions and they also learn negative things from shows.

Tapan Nayyar
answered 15 Sep 2020

Babies have fresh mind and a fresh mind is the quickest learner. The moves they watch and hear definitely impacts them and their day to day behavior.

shail Priya
answered 14 Sep 2020

Watching Television causes many effects which is not considered healthy for kids. It has been seen that due to the continuous watching of TV many health problems aris e.

1. Severe headache has been one of the top most concern.

2. Eyesight problem arises due to the radiation emitted from it.

3. If the child is very much into the TV then it may cause distraction from studies.

4. If the sound is high then it can lead to hearing problem too.

Thus it is advisable to child, kids and other to watch TV for certain time period from certain distance with proper volume (neither too high nor too low). 

answered 14 Sep 2020

TV has an adverse effect on the health of babies. It affects their eyesight. At a very young age their eyes become weak. They just got glued to the television screens. This also affects their mental health

asrita singh
answered 14 Sep 2020

TV plays an important role in kids life. Kids learn from what they see from there surrounding and tv is one of the major thing with which kids grow. Kids see cartoon and assume that they are real. What kids see they try ko do the same. TV shows develop a interest in the kids. Like some kids like cartoon,  some like action , other like geography etc. So tv posts an important role in developing the personality of the kids.

That's All folks
