5 Questions To Ask Your Doctor If You’re Pregnant

By Sneha Pillai|4 - 5 mins read| June 12, 2023

Pregnancy is joyous news for any woman. Being in charge of creating a new life might be challenging, and your mind will be whirling with a million questions. It is common to think if your pregnancy is progressing in the right direction. Once you get pregnant, many questions will come to your mind.

You should not get anxious as it is normal. Here are some answers to those puzzling queries to help you on your path to becoming a mother. 

Some important questions are answered below:

What food should i eat, and what should i avoid?

The primary source of nutrients for the baby inside you is the food you eat while expecting. You may eat the following foods:

  • Focus on fresh fruits and vegetables over any food item. It helps in battling emotional episodes.
  • have kefir and kombucha tea.
  • small amounts of fish, pulses, fresh fruit, and some healthy fats. This helps combat pregnancy-related hypertension, a major cause of miscarriage.
  • It would be best if you avoid alcohol, excessive caffeine, papaya, raw eggs, raw meat, raw fish, cinnamon, and unpasteurized dairy products.

How much weight do I gain is normal?

The suggested weight gain during pregnancy is:

For a pregnant woman with  normal weight, it is 25 to 35 pounds; for a pregnant woman who is underweight it should be 28 to 40 pounds; for a pregnant woman who is overweight, it is 15 to 25 pounds.

During pregnancy, anxiety and constant worry are normal; subsequently, it is smarter to clear your questions and fears by having a straightforward discussion with your doctor. Schedule an appointment right away to ensure a healthy pregnancy.

Can I do yoga during my pregnancy? Which exercises should I do?

Remaining active during pregnancy keeps you and your child sound and helps ease pregnancy side effects from water retention to stress. Additionally, many fitness activities, such as swimming, strength training, walking, and yoga, are safe for pregnant women.

Pregnancy or prenatal yoga is the most popular exercise for building flexibility and stretching during pregnancy because vigorous exercise is not recommended. You may try table pose (dandayamna bharmanasana), cat pose (marjaryasana), cow pose (bitilasana), triangle pose (utthita trikonasana) etc.

What are normal and serious signs and symptoms of pregnancy?

It’s important to understand early signs and symptoms of pregnancy alongwith the signs to look out for. During the first trimester, breast tenderness, some nausea, and occasionally vomiting are common. Vaginal spotting in small amounts can also be normal. However, don’t ignore signs like heavy vaginal bleeding, or serious stomach pain. Consult the doctor, if you notice any.

When you move into the second trimester, you might have some common pelvic tension or lower stomach extension. Call the doctor if you suddenly experience severe pelvic pressure, pain, increased vaginal discharge, or bleeding. It is common to experience occasional uterine contractions and pelvic pressure in the third trimester. Yet again, the first-trimester weariness might return.

In addition, as you get closer to your due date, you should be on the lookout for signs of labor, such as contractions, the breaking of your water, or a “bloody show” (the removal of your mucus plug, which is frequently a reliable sign that labor is imminent).

What can I anticipate throughout my labor and delivery?

Whether you deliver at home, a birthing center, or a hospital, your labor, and delivery may vary significantly. A nurse or provider will periodically perform cervical exams to determine cervical dilation and effacement. They can also suggest intravenous (IV) and electronic fetal monitoring, if needed.

When you talk about it ahead of time, you can also talk about pain management options like an epidural so you can plan for your options throughout the various stages of labor.

If you think you are going into labor, your doctor should teach you what to do; for instance, they may tell you to call when contractions are five minutes apart. Nevertheless, you must see the doctor if:

  • You are in tremendous pain.
  • If your fluid appears greenish or brown, your water breaks. This indicates meconium, harmful to the baby if ingested.
  • You have preeclampsia, a sudden increase of high blood pressure 
  • if there is sudden swelling, a severe headache or a blurry vision.

Wrapping Up!

Pregnancy is certainly an overwhelming and amazing journey. In fact, this phase comes along with a lot of curiosity. The right way to deal with this is to ask your queries to your doctor so you are not left puzzled. To make things easier, we have listed some of the most frequently asked questions that you can ask your doctor. 

TheParentZ provides Parenting Tips & Advice to parents.

About The Author:

Sneha Pillai

Last Updated: Mon Jun 12 2023

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