How To Talk To Your Child About LGBT Issues? Dealing With Children and LGBT Issues

By Janhavi Desai|3 - 4 mins read| March 24, 2023

Tips On Teaching Your Children Sensitivity And Acceptance In A Chaotic World. LGBT Parenting issues and How do you explain LGBT to children?

The globalisation of economies around the world has intensified the competition in every field, making society more brutal than ever. Simultaneously, there’s a marked rise in self-expression and support systems for the marginalised in all walks of life. More and more people break free of social restrictions in pursuit of happiness, yet extremist elements are on the rise. Knowing how to navigate their way through such a divisive social structure is an invaluable life-skill for your children today. Here’s how you can help them master it!

How To Talk To Your Child About LGBT Issues

In this article we have covered some ways which can help you Talking with Kids about LGBTQ Issues

1. Open the Door

Conversations about sex and sexuality are still awkward even between married couples the world over. The topic has been taboo for so long that it is difficult to have the most important and necessary conversations. Your child will not be able to start the conversation with you, so you must do it first. Discussing articles from the news can be a wonderful way to open the door on LGBT issues. It helps your children find their way to you if they need to discuss related personal issues or experiences. The silence about this may be suffocating them, and you’ll never know till you open the door.

2. Hold Back Your Judgement

Adults often find it extremely tough to accept that they don’t understand something, especially regarding contentious issues. Therefore, LGBT definitions, the definition of sexuality, the idea of marriage are all reminiscent of strong biases and confrontation. The LGBT debate is a highly touchy topic due to the stigma attached to unconventional sexuality. Whether you approve of it or not, you should know where your child stands on this matter. You may never find out the truth if you pass judgements before letting them speak their minds.

3. Find A Rational Balance

You may be a parent who doesn’t understand what LGBT is or how the whole thing works. Many parents today don’t really understand what this is all about; most find it unnatural and abominable. If you are one these, try not to judge before understanding what you’re actually dealing with. Read some material from both sides of the LGBT debate online to get an overall idea of the scenario. So, when you talk to your child about LGBT issues, you might be a step ahead in being balanced.

4. Assess Your Child’s Position

One of the greatest problems with conversations on LGBT issues is that they eliminate the human emotion from the picture. Although it looks like it’s entirely about sex, the problems of the LGBT community are centred on emotions. The right to love without discrimination, to marry without facing criminal charges – these are the most desired LGBT rights. With this in mind, assess if your child seems prone to any extremist mentality.

5. Gently Redirect

The purpose of this article is to help you teach your child how to navigate their way around this divisive, contentious problem. Irrespective of which side your child is on – for LGBT rights or against them – the aim is to provide balance. Extremism in any form is a toxic mindset your children should learn to protect themselves against. If you find your child leaning towards either extreme end, discuss this issue with them more often. Your child will be less likely to engage in violent behaviour regarding LGBT issues if you keep the conversation on.

You may find it tough to deal with your child coming out to you because of personal biases. It may be awkward even if they’re straight, but this is a necessary conversation to have. Nobody today remains unaware of or unaffected by this issue; you must know what to expect in advance. If you fight the initial resistance, your openness in this regard might bring you closer to your child than ever.

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TheParentZ provides Parenting Tips & Advice to parents.

About The Author:

Janhavi Desai

Last Updated: Fri Mar 24 2023

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