How Can You Avoid Your Kid’s Thumb Sucking Habit

By Harita Patil|3 - 4 mins read| July 07, 2023

When they are kids, don’t they look adorable in their cots with a thumb inside their mouth without having to worry about the world? But if they do not leave this thumb-sucking habit, then it can get irritating with time. If you are a parent worrying your days and nights out about this habit, this blog will help you to get your kids. 

Make Them Realize 

A few kids with thumb-sucking habits do not realize they are doing so. Try to talk to them like a mate and find out how they are doing so. What is the reason behind this recurring habit? Find it out and give them some other solution that might help them. For example, if they feel soothed, ask them to hug their stuffed toys, or if they are afraid, ask them to hold their blanket. 

Bitter Nail Polish 

If the thumb-sucking pattern is suborned, apply bitter nail polish to their nails. A bitter taste is not a kid’s favorite flavor. So applying bitter nail polish to their thumbs will remind them about the thumb-sucking spree and also restrict them from doing so. It is one of the best ways to break the habit.

Finger Guard

There are numerous plastic materials and flexible globes that are available online, which are manufactured to prevent your kids from sucking their thumbs. These are made especially for kids and are non-toxic and safe to use. Use these finger guards to stop your kids from sucking their thumbs. 

Role-Playing At Its Best 

Kids love dominating their stuffed toys and playing parents with them. Give your kid a situation in which you are worrying about your kid’s teddy sicking their thumb. Ask them to set rules for the teddy and also set an example for them by stopping thumb-sucking themselves. 

One Step At A Time 

If you are not able to stop your kids from thumb-sucking, you can set rules revolving around it. Restrict them from sucking their thumbs anytime and anywhere. Allow them to do it only when they are in bed. This will curb the habit, and gradually you can eliminate it. 

Take Them To A Dentist

Maybe you are not enough when it comes to eliminating the thumb-sucking spree in your kids. You need to have an extra hand when it comes to stopping this irritating habit. Take your kids to the dentist in this situation. A dentist is habituated to dealing with kids with similar issues on a regular basis. They will talk like a pro to your kids and ensure your kids understand why thumb-sucking is not a good habit. 

Most dentists have visual resources that they can use to make your kids aware of their habit and try to up a full stop to it. A few amination, educations tolls, posters and stories will help them understand the reason they are doing so and also become conscious of their habits. 

Wrapping Up!

Most kids often have a habit of sucking their thumbs, which might be concerning for parents. However, there are several ways that can help you get rid of your child’s thumb-sucking habit. Read the above article and find out for yourself. 

TheParentZ provides Parenting Tips & Advice to parents.

About The Author:

Harita Patil

Last Updated: Fri Jul 07 2023

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