What does the name Abdalla mean? What is the meaning of the name Abdalla?
Meaning of Abdalla: Name Abdalla in the Arabic, African origin, means Servant Of God; Servant of Allah. Name Abdalla is of Arabic, African origin and is a Boy name. People with name Abdalla are usually Islam, Muslim by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Abdalla: Servant Of God; Servant of Allah
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Famous people with name Abdalla (Namesakes)
- Youssef Abdalla
Youssef Abdalla (born 16 March 1998) is an Egyptian swimmer.
- Abdalla Uba Adamu
Abdalla Uba Adamu (born 25 April 1956) is a Nigerian academic, educator, publisher and media scholar.
- Khalid Abdalla
Khalid Abdalla (Arabic: خالد عبد الله, Khālid 'Abd Allāh; born 26 October 1980) is a British Egyptian actor and activist.
- Bader Eldin Abdalla Galag
Badr El-Din El Doud Abdalla (Galag) (Arabic: بدرالدين عبدالله قلق)is a Sudanese football midfielder currently playing for Al-Merriekh.
- Ahmad Abdalla
Ahmad Abdalla El Sayed Abdelkader (Arabic: أحمد عبد الله السيد) (born on December 19, 1979, Cairo) is an Egyptian film director, editor and screenwriter.
- Jasim Abdalla
Jasim Mohamed Abdalla (born November 24, 1988 in London) is a United Arab Emirates professional basketball player.
- Abdallah Salem el-Badri
Abdalla Salem el-Badri (born 25 May 1940) is a former Libyan official who served as Chairman of the National Oil Corporation (NOC), Minister of Petroleum, Minister of Energy, Minister of Management, and Deputy Prime Minister.
- Ghaleb Moussa Abdalla Bader
Ghaleb Moussa Abdalla Bader (Arabic: غالب موسى عبد الله بدر; born 22 July 1951) is a Jordanian prelate of the Catholic Church who has been the Apostolic Nuncio to the Dominican Republic and Apostolic Delegate to Puerto Rico since 2017.
- Hassan Abdalla
Hassan Abdalla - حسن عبد الله; (born August 1, 1960) is an Egyptian financier globally recognized for his expertise in treasury and investment services.
- Faris Abdalla
Faris Abdalla (born 19 February 1994) is a Sudanese professional footballer who plays as a defender.
- Hossam Abdalla
Hossam Abdalla (born (1988-02-16)16 February 1988) is an Egyptian male volleyball player.
- Abubaker Haydar Abdalla
Abubaker Haydar Abdalla (born 28 August 1996) is a Sudanese-born Qatari middle-distance runner.
- Abdalla Mohamed
Abdalla Ali Mohamed (عبد الله علي محمد, born 26 August 1978) is an Egyptian male handball player.
- Abdelrahman Abdalla
Abdelrahman Abdalla (born 1 January 1994) is a Qatari handball player for El Jaish and the Qatari national team.
- Khalid Abdalla Adam
Khalid Abdalla Mohamed Adam (born February 27, 1993) is a Qatari professional basketball player.
- Abdalla Haji Shaibu
Abdalla Haji Shaibu (born 21 October 1998) is a Tanzanian football player who most recently played as a defender for LA Galaxy II in the USL Championship, on loan from MFK Vyškov.
- Abdalla Al-Sebaei
Abdalla Al-Sebaei (born 24 February 1976) is a Syrian weightlifter.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Abdalla Numerology: Name Abdalla has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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