What does the name Abderraouf mean? What is the meaning of the name Abderraouf?
Meaning of Abderraouf: Name Abderraouf in the Arabic origin, means Have faith in Allah and serve the most needed. Name Abderraouf is of Arabic origin and is a Boy name. People with name Abderraouf are usually Islam, Muslim by religion.
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Famous people with name Abderraouf (Namesakes)
- Abderraouf Jdey
Abderraouf bin Habib bin Yousef Jdey (Arabic: عبد الرؤوف جدي, Abd ar-Rawūf Jday) (also known as Farouk al-Tunisi and Al-Rauf Al-Jiddi) (born May 30, 1965) is a Canadian citizen, who was found swearing to die as a shaheed (martyr) on a series of videotapes found in the rubble of Mohammed Atef's house in Afghanistan in 2002.
The United States has issued three separate alerts that Jdey was about to attack inside the country, in January 2002, September 2003 and May 2004.
- Abderraouf Zarabi
Abderraouf Zarabi (born 26 March 1979 in Algiers) is an Algerian international footballer.
- Abderraouf El-Fassy
Abderraouf El-Fassy (Arabic: عبد الرؤوف الفاسي; born 11 April 1940) is a Moroccan fencer.
- Abderraouf Ben Aziza
Abderraouf Ben Aziza (Arabic: عبد الرؤوف بن عزيزة; born 23 September 1953) is a Tunisian football forward who played for Tunisia in the 1978 FIFA World Cup.
- Abderraouf Ayadi
Abderraouf Ayadi (Tunisian Arabic: عبد الرؤوف العيادي; born 12 February 1950 in Manouba, Tunisia) is a Tunisian human rights activist, politician and lawyer.
- Abderraouf Ben Samir
Abderraouf Ben Samir (born 29 December 1953) is a Tunisian handball player.
- Abderraouf Jdey
Abderraouf bin Habib bin Yousef Jdey (Arabic: عبد الرؤوف جدي, Abd ar-Rawūf Jday) (also known as Farouk al-Tunisi and Al-Rauf Al-Jiddi) (born May 30, 1965) is a Canadian citizen, who was found swearing to die as a shaheed (martyr) on a series of videotapes found in the rubble of Mohammed Atef's house in Afghanistan in 2002.
The United States has issued three separate alerts that Jdey was about to attack inside the country, in January 2002, September 2003 and May 2004.
- Abderraouf Zarabi
Abderraouf Zarabi (born 26 March 1979 in Algiers) is an Algerian international footballer.
- Abderraouf El-Fassy
Abderraouf El-Fassy (Arabic: عبد الرؤوف الفاسي; born 11 April 1940) is a Moroccan fencer.
- Abderraouf Ben Aziza
Abderraouf Ben Aziza (Arabic: عبد الرؤوف بن عزيزة; born 23 September 1953) is a Tunisian football forward who played for Tunisia in the 1978 FIFA World Cup.
- Abderraouf Ayadi
Abderraouf Ayadi (Tunisian Arabic: عبد الرؤوف العيادي; born 12 February 1950 in Manouba, Tunisia) is a Tunisian human rights activist, politician and lawyer.
- Abderraouf Ben Samir
Abderraouf Ben Samir (born 29 December 1953) is a Tunisian handball player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Abderraouf Numerology: Name Abderraouf has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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