What does the name Abram mean? What is the meaning of the name Abram?
Meaning of Abram: Name Abram in the Hebrew origin, means A form of Abraham. Name Abram is of Hebrew origin and is a Boy name. People with name Abram are usually Christianity by religion.
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SISTERS: Sibling Sister names for Abram
BROTHERS: Sibling Brother names for Abram
Famous people with name Abram (Namesakes)
- Norm Abram
Norman L. "Norm" Abram (born October 3, 1949) is an American carpenter known for his work on the PBS television programs This Old House and The New Yankee Workshop.
- Darren Abram
Darren Abram (born 27 September 1967) is a rugby league footballer who played in the 1980s and 1990s, and coached in the 2000s.
- Abram Elam
Abram Elam (born October 15, 1981) is a former American football safety in the National Football League for the Dallas Cowboys, New York Jets, Cleveland Browns and Kansas City Chiefs.
- Abram de Swaan
Abram de Swaan (Dutch pronunciation: [ˈaːbrɑm də sʋaːn]; born 8 January 1942) is a Dutch essayist, sociologist and professor emeritus from the University of Amsterdam.
- Felicity Abram
Felicity Abram ( Twin - born 16 August 1986 in Brisbane, Queensland) Australian professional triathlete.
- Luis Abram
Luis Alfonso Abram Ugarelli (born 1996 in Lima, Peru) is a Peruvian football player who currently plays for Vélez Sarsfield in the Argentine Primera División as a defender.
- Abram van Heerden
Abram van Heerden (born 7 September 1927) is a South African sprinter.
- Abram Kryvosheiev
Abram Kryvosheiev (born 12 November 1933) is a Belarusian middle-distance runner.
- Johnathan Abram
Johnathan Jauquez Abram (born October 25, 1996) is an American football safety for the Las Vegas Raiders of the National Football League (NFL).
- Abram Nteo
Abram Nteo (born 15 July 1977) is a South African footballer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Abram Numerology: Name Abram has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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