What does the name Addo mean? What is the meaning of the name Addo?
Meaning of Addo: Name Addo in the African origin, means Happy; Ornament; King of the path (African). Name Addo is of African origin and is a Boy name. People with name Addo are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Addo (Namesakes)
- Edmund Addo
Edmund Addo (born 17 May 2000) is a Ghanaian footballer who plays for FK Senica as a right midfielder.
- Eric Addo
Eric Kpakpo Addo (born 12 November 1978 in Accra) is a Ghanaian former footballer.
- Otto Addo
Otto Addo (born 9 June 1975 in Hamburg, West Germany) is a scout and manager, and a retired Ghanaian-German footballer who played for Ghana internationally.
- Joe Addo
Joseph (Joe) Addo (born 21 September 1971 in Accra) is a former Ghanaian football (soccer) defender and one-time captain of the Ghana national team.
- Simon Addo
Simon Addo (born 11 December 1974) is a Ghanaian retired footballer who played as a goalkeeper.
- Nana Akufo-Addo
William Addo Dankwa "Nana" Akufo-Addo ( (listen) a-KUUF-oh ah-DOH; born 29 March 1944) is currently the President of Ghana.
- Kwame Addo-Kufuor
Kwame Addo-Kufuor (born 14 July 1940) is a Ghanaian politician and physician.
- Ransford Addo
Akwei Ransford Addo (born 21 July 1983 in Accra) is a football player from Belgium who plays for K. Berchem Sport in the Belgian Third Division.
- Ishmael Addo
Ishmael Addo (born 30 July 1978) is a Ghanaian former professional football striker.
- David Addo
David Addo (born 9 February 1983) is a Ghanaian football player who currently plays for Liberty Professionals FC.
- Addoquaye Addo
Daniel Addoquaye Addo (born 23 April 1985 in Accra) is a Ghanaian football midfielder who played for Ashanti Gold SC.
- Joyce Bamford-Addo
Joyce Adeline Bamford-Addo, (born 26 March 1937) was the Speaker of the Parliament of Ghana from 2009 to 2013.
- Daniel Addo (footballer, born 1989)
Daniel Ashley Addo (born September 3, 1989) is a Ghanaian football player who plays as a Defender for Indian club BSS Sporting Club.
- Paul Addo
Paul Yaw Addo (born 14 June 1990) is a Ghanaian footballer who most recently played as a defender for Norwegian side Bryne.
- Rebecca Akufo-Addo
Rebecca Naa Okaikor Akufo-Addo (born 1951) (née Griffiths-Randolph) is a Ghanaian public figure and the current First Lady of Ghana
- Josh Addo-Carr
Joshua Addo-Carr (born 28 July 1995) is an Australian professional rugby league footballer who plays as a winger for the Melbourne Storm in the NRL and Australia at international level.
- Elizabeth Addo
Elizabeth Addo (born 1 September 1993) is a Ghanaian footballer who plays as a forward for Chinese club Jiangsu Suning in the Chinese Women's Super League and the Ghana women's national team.
- Grace Addo
Grace Addo (born 24 December, 1960) is a Ghanaian Politician.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Addo Numerology: Name Addo has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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