What does the name Agathe mean? What is the meaning of the name Agathe?
Meaning of Agathe: Name Agathe in the Belgian, ग्रीक origin, means A kind natured woman.. Name Agathe is of Belgian, ग्रीक origin and is a Girl name. People with name Agathe are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Agathe (Namesakes)
- Agathe Meunier
Agathe Meunier (born January 9, 1993) is a French female acrobatic gymnast.
- Didier Agathe
Didier Fernand Agathe (born 16 August 1975) is a French former professional footballer.
- Agathe de La Fontaine
Agathe de La Fontaine (born 27 March 1972) is a French actress.
- Agathe Bonitzer
Agathe Bonitzer (born 24 April 1989) is a French actress.
- James Veejaye Agathe
James Veejaye Agathe (born May 15, 1983) is a Mauritian kickboxer from Rodrigues island who won the 2013 World Champion title in the -81 kg category at the World Association of Kickboxing Organisations (W.A.K.O) Senior World Championships (low kick, K-1), held in Guarujá, São Paulo, Brazil
He was awarded Sportsman of the Year and a cash prize of Rs 500,000 ($16,000) from the Government of Mauritius for his incredible performances.
- Agathe N'Nindjem-Yolemp
Agathe N'Nindjem-Yolemp (born August 4, 1980) is a Cameroonian female basketball player.
- Agathe Ngani
Agathe Georgette Ngani (born 26 May 1992) is a Cameroonian football midfielder.
- Agathe Ngo Nack
Agathe Ngo Nack (born 2 March 1958) is a Cameroonian athlete.
- Kerlson Agathe
Kerlson Agathe (born 8 March 1991) is a Mauritian international footballer who plays for Pamplemousses as a midfielder.
- Agathe Aladin
Agathe Aladin (born 1967) is a Haitian artist, known for her paintings in both oil and acrylic.
- Agathe Lecaron
Agathe Lecaron (born 8 March 1974) is a French radio and television presenter.
Do you know any famous people named Agathe, let us know and we would update the information.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Agathe Numerology: Name Agathe has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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