What does the name Akhil mean? What is the meaning of the name Akhil?
Meaning of Akhil: Name Akhil in the Indian, Hindi origin, means World, Whole Perfect Entire, Complete, All Encompassing; Ruler or king. Name Akhil is of Indian, Hindi origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Akhil (Namesakes)
- Akhil Amar
Akhil Reed Amar (born September 6, 1958) is an American legal scholar known for his expertise in constitutional law and criminal procedure.
- Akhil Kumar
Akhil Kumar (born 27 March 1981) is an Indian boxer who has won several international and national boxing awards.
- Akhil Sharma
Akhil Sharma (born July 22, 1971) is an Indian-American author and professor of creative writing.
- Akhil Patel
Akhil Patel (born 18 June 1990) is an English cricketer who plays for Nottinghamshire.
- Balachandra Akhil
Balachandra Akhil (born 7 October 1977) is an Indian cricketer who plays for Karnataka.
- Akhil (Tamil actor)
Akhil is an Indian film actor who has appeared in Tamil language films.
- Akhil Herwadkar
Akhil Arvind Herwadkar (born 31 October 1994) (Sangli) is a cricketer who plays as an All-rounder opening batsman for the Mumbai.
- Akhil Mishra
Akhil Mishra is an Indian film and television actor who has worked in films such as Hazaaron Khwaishein Aisi, Gandhi, My Father and television serials such as Pradhanmantri.
- Akhil Iyer
Akhil Iyer is an Indian film actor appearing in Bollywood films and TV commercials.
- Akhil Akkineni
Akhil Akkineni (born 8 April 1994) is an Indian actor who works in Telugu cinema.
- Akhil Rabindra
Akhil Rabindra ((1996-05-22)22 May 1996) is an Indian racing driver and a graduate from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland.
- Akhil Rajput
Akhil Rajput (born 21 October 1991) is an Indian cricketer.
- Akhil Rajendra
Akhil Rajendra (born 9 April 1982) is an Indian actor, screenwriter and director.
- Akhil Kapur
Akhil Kapur is an Indian actor.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Akhil Numerology: Name Akhil has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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