What does the name Altin mean? What is the meaning of the name Altin?
Meaning of Altin: Name Altin in the English origin, means Old English: Town at the river source; A variant name of Alton. Name Altin is of English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Altin are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Altin: Old English: Town at the river source; A variant name of Alton
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Famous people with name Altin (Namesakes)
- Altin Lala
Altin Dodë Lala (born 18 November 1975) is an Albanian former professional footballer who played as a defensive midfielder and former manager.
- Altin Haxhi
Altin Haxhi (born 17 June 1975) is an Albanian retired footballer who played as a defender.
- Altin Rraklli
Altin Rraklli (born 17 July 1970) is an Albanian retired footballer who played as a forward and currently works as a coach.
- Josef Altin
Josef Altin (born as Yusuf Altın; 12 February 1983) is an English TV series and film actor who had the role of Pypar in the HBO fantasy TV series Game of Thrones.
- Altin Grbović
Altin Grbović (Serbian Cyrillic: Алтин Грбовић; born 13 March 1986 in Novi Pazar) is a Serbian former footballer.
- Altin Hoxha
Altin Hoxha (born 21 October 1990) is an Albanian footballer who most recently played for Korabi Peshkopi in the Albanian Superliga.
- Altin Çuko
Altin Çuko (born 21 June 1974) is a former Albanian football player who is best known for winning the Albanian Superliga Golden Boot, scoring 21 goals during the 1995-96 campaign, 5 with Tomori Berat and 16 with KF Laçi.
Not renown by a prolific scoring record, Çuko scored a remarkable 7 goals in Laçis final two matches to finish top of the goalscorers chart ahead of Shpëtim Kateshi who scored an even more remarkable 12 in Shkumbini Peqins final 5 matches, 7 of those also in the final two games.
- Altin Sufa
Altin Sufa (born 20 July 1988, in Kavajë) is an Albanian cyclist riding for Amore & Vita–Prodir.
- Altin Rrica
Altin Rrica (born 13 December 1973) is an Albanian retired footballer who played for Besa Kavajë, KF Tirana, Partizani Tirana and Shqiponja Gjirokastër as well as the Albania national team.
- Mehmet Altin
Mehmet Altin (born 15 July 1959) is a Turkish weightlifter.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Altin Numerology: Name Altin has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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