What does the name Alun mean? What is the meaning of the name Alun?
Meaning of Alun: Name Alun in the Welsh origin, means A stony, fair and handsome being who is in sync with harmony, nobility and peace. Name Alun is of Welsh origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Alun (Namesakes)
- Alun Michael
Alun Edward Michael (born 22 August 1943) is a British Labour politician serving as South Wales Police and Crime Commissioner since 2012.
- Alun Evans
Alun William Evans (born 30 April 1949) is an English former footballer who made his name as a centre forward in the Liverpool side rebuilt by Bill Shankly at the start of the 1970s.
- Alun Armstrong
Alan Armstrong (born 17 July 1946), known professionally as Alun Armstrong, is an English actor.
- Alun Armstrong (footballer)
Alun Armstrong (born 22 February 1975) is an English former professional footballer and the current manager of National League North club Darlington.
- Alun Cochrane
Alun Cochrane (born 8 February 1975) is a Scottish comedian.
- Alun Wyn Jones
Alun Wyn Jones (born 19 September 1985) is a Welsh professional rugby union player.
- Alun Ffred Jones
Alun Ffred Jones (born 29 October 1949) is a Welsh politician and member of Plaid Cymru and former television producer, writer and director.
- Alun Cairns
Alun Hugh Cairns (born 30 July 1970) is a British Conservative Party politician who served as Secretary of State for Wales from 2016 to 2019.
- Alun Davies (politician)
Thomas Alun Rhys Davies (born 12 February 1964) is a Welsh Labour Co-operative politician and former Welsh Government Minister.
- Alun Lewis (rugby union)
Alun Lewis (born 15 January 1956) is a former Welsh rugby union player.
- Alun Rossiter
Alun John Rossiter (born 23 July 1965, in Swindon, England) is a retired speedway rider, and team manager of British Elite League team the Swindon Robins.
- Alun Anderson
Alun Mark Anderson (born North Wales, 27 May 1948) is a Welsh scientist and science journalist.
- Alun Lawrence
Alun Lawrence (born 12 August 1998) is a Welsh rugby union player who plays for Cardiff Blues as a back rower.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Alun Numerology: Name Alun has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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