What does the name Andoni mean? What is the meaning of the name Andoni?
Meaning of Andoni: Name Andoni in the Greek, Basque origin, means Latin - Priceless, Inestimable; A variant of name is Anthony. Name Andoni is of Greek, Basque origin and is a Boy name. People with name Andoni are usually Christianity, Greek by religion.
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Famous people with name Andoni (Namesakes)
- Andoni Goikoetxea
Andoni Goikoetxea Olaskoaga (born 23 May 1956), Goiko for short, is a Spanish retired footballer, and is a manager.
- Andoni Zubizarreta
Andoni Zubizarreta Urreta (Basque pronunciation: [andoni s̻uβis̻areta ureta], Spanish: [anˈdoni θuβiˈθareta uˈreta]; born 23 October 1961) is a Spanish former footballer who played as a goalkeeper, and the current director of football of French club Olympique de Marseille.
- Jon Andoni Goikoetxea
Jon Andoni Goikoetxea Lasa (born 21 October 1965), often known as Goiko, is a Spanish retired footballer.
- Andoni Iraola
Andoni Iraola Sagarna (Basque pronunciation: [andoni iɾa.ola s̺aɣarna], Spanish: [anˈdoni iɾaˈola saˈɣaɾna]; born 22 June 1982) is a Spanish retired footballer who played as a right back, and the manager of CD Mirandés.
- Andoni Aranaga
Andoni Aranaga Azkune (born January 1, 1979) is a Spanish professional road bicycle racer.
- Andoni Lafuente
Andoni Lafuente Olaguibel (born September 6, 1985) is a Spanish professional road and track bicycle racer.
- Andoni Cedrún
Andoni Cedrún Ibarra (born 5 June 1960) is a Spanish retired footballer who played as a goalkeeper.
- Andoni Lakabeg
Andoni Lakabeg Fraile (born 14 February 1969) is a Spanish retired footballer who played as a right back.
- Andoni Murúa
Andoni Murúa Zentarruzabeitia (born 20 March 1953) is a Spanish retired footballer who played mainly as a left winger.
- Andoni Imaz
Andoni Imaz Garmendia (born 5 September 1971) is a Spanish retired footballer who played as a midfielder.
- Andoni Ortuzar
Andoni Ortuzar Arruabarrena (born 13 July 1962) is a Spanish Basque politician and journalist, and the president of the Basque Nationalist Party.
- Fatjon Andoni
Fatjon Andoni (born 19 June 1991) is a Greek-born Albanian professional footballer who plays as a defensive midfielder for Super League 2 club Apollon Smyrnis.
- Andoni Egaña
Andoni Egaña Makazaga (Zarautz, Gipuzkoa, 2 October 1961) is a Basque bertsolari and writer.
- Andoni Gorosabel
Andoni Gorosabel Espinosa (born 4 August 1996) is a Spanish professional footballer who plays for Real Sociedad as a right back.
- Andoni López
Andoni López Saratxo (Basque pronunciation: [andoni lopes̻]; Spanish pronunciation: [anˈdoni ˈlopeθ]; born 5 April 1996) is a Spanish footballer who plays for Elche CF on loan from Athletic Bilbao as a left back.
- Andoni Ugarte
Andoni Ugarte Mendizabal (born 5 April 1995) is a Spanish footballer who plays for Real Oviedo Vetusta as a central defender.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Andoni Numerology: Name Andoni has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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