What does the name Ash mean? What is the meaning of the name Ash?
Meaning of Ash: Name Ash in the Hebrew, English origin, means Happy. Name Ash is of Hebrew, English origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Ash (Namesakes)
- Daniel Ash
Daniel Gaston Ash (born 31 July 1957 in Northampton, England) is an English musician, songwriter and singer.
- Leslie Ash
Leslie Ash (born 19 February 1960) is an English actress.
- Ash Carter
Ashton Baldwin Carter (born September 24, 1954) is an American public policy professor who served as the 25th secretary of defense from February 2015 to January 2017.
- Brandon Ash
Brandon Ash (born July 17, 1977) is an American professional stock car racing driver.
- Brian Ash
- Not to be confused with Brian Ash (bibliographer)
Brian Ash (born September 29, 1974 in Bronx, New York) is an American producer and screenwriter.
- Ash Atalla
Ash Atalla (born 18 June 1972) is an Egyptian-born British television producer responsible for producing several British TV series such as The Office, The IT Crowd and Man Stroke Woman.
- Peter Ash
Peter Ash (born 4 February 1985) is an English actor from Moston, Greater Manchester who has starred in British television series such as Casualty, Footballers' Wives, Hollyoaks and Coronation Street.
- William Ash (actor)
William Ash (born 13 January 1977) is a British actor.
- Rob Ash
Robert W. Ash (born July 9, 1951) is a former college football coach, formerly the head coach at Montana State University, and a former president of the American Football Coaches Association.
- Erica Ash
Erica Chantal Ash (born September 19, 1977) is an American actress, comedian, singer and model.
- Ash King
Ash King (born Ashutosh Ganguly) is a singer, songwriter and composer of Bengali origin based in London.
- Ashly Burch
Ashly Burch (born June 19, 1990) is an American actress, voice actress, singer and writer.
- Ash Stymest
Ashley Stymest (born 31 July 1991), better known by Ash Stymest, is an English male model, actor and musician.
- Lauren Ash
Lauren Elizabeth Ash (born February 4, 1983) is a Canadian actress from Belleville, Ontario.
- Chris Ash
Chris Ash (born December 24, 1973) is an American football coach who currently serves as defensive coordinator at the University of Texas.
- Ash Avildsen
Ashley "Ash" Avildsen (born November 5, 1981, son of John G. Avildsen) is an American film director, screenwriter, producer, and the founder and CEO of Sumerian Records and Sumerian Films.
- Ash Sarkar
Ash Sarkar (born 17 April 1992) is a British journalist and political activist currently serving as Senior Editor at Novara Media and teaches at the Sandberg Institute.
- Ash Dykes
Ashley Philip Dykes (born 1 November 1990) is a Welsh adventurer and extreme athlete.
- Ash Santos
Ashley Marie Santos (born June 9, 1993), known professionally as Ash Santos, is an American actress.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Ash Numerology: Name Ash has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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