What does the name Attila mean? What is the meaning of the name Attila?
Meaning of Attila: Name Attila in the Gothic, Hungarian, Turkish origin, means Gothic - Little Father; Derived from element Atta which means Father. Name Attila is of Gothic, Hungarian, Turkish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Attila are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Attila (Namesakes)
- Attila Csihar
Attila Gábor Csihar (Hungarian: [ˈɒtillɒ ˈt͡ʃihɒr]; born 29 March 1971), also sometimes known as Void, is a Hungarian extreme metal vocalist, best known for his vocal work in Norwegian black metal band Mayhem and American drone-doom project Sunn O))).
- Attila Ambrus
Attila Ambrus (born October 6, 1967), alias The Whiskey Robber is a Hungarian bank robber and professional ice hockey player.
- Attila Dragóner
Attila Dragóner (born 15 November 1974 in Budapest) is a Hungarian former footballer.
He was a defender for Ferencvárosi Torna Club in Budapest, Hungary.
- Attila Hadnagy
Attila László Hadnagy (born 8 September 1980) is a Romanian former professional footballer of Hungarian ethnicity, who played as a forward.
- Attila Hajdu
Attila Hajdu (born 13 April 1971) is a Hungarian football player.
- Attila Sánta
Attila Sánta (born 22 August 1988 in Kalocsa) is a Hungarian football player who currently plays for FC Dabas.
- Attila Menyhárt
Attila Menyhárt (born 26 November 1984 in Budapest) is a Hungarian football player who currently plays for Budaörsi SC.
- Attila Andruskó
- Attila Mesterházy
Attila Mesterházy (born 30 January 1974) is a Hungarian politician, who served as the seventh chairman of the Hungarian Socialist Party (MSZP) from 10 July 2010 to 29 May 2014.
- Attila May
Attila May (born 16 September 1942) is a Hungarian fencer.
- Attila Kerekes
Attila Kerekes (born 4 April 1954) is a Hungarian former footballer who played at both professional and international levels as a defender.
- Attila Végh
Attila Végh (born August 9, 1985) is a Slovak mixed martial artist who competed in the Light Heavyweight divisions of Bellator Fighting Championships and Konfrontacja Sztuk Walki (KSW).
- Attila Kun
Attila Kun (also known as Attila Kun II; born 9 March 1949) is a Romanian former professional footballer of Hungarian ethnicity and currently manager of FC 09 Überlingen (youth).
- Attila Kugler
Attila Kugler (born 16 September 1986) is a Hungarian canoeist.
- Attila Szalai
Attila Szalai (born 20 January 1998) is a Hungarian football player who currently plays for Apollon Limassol.
- Attila Mocsi
Attila Mocsi (born 29 May 2000) is a Hungarian footballer who plays as defender for MOL Vidi in Nemzeti Bajnokság I.
- Attila Szász
Attila Szász (October 23, 1972) born in Szolnok, Hungary , is a director and writer, known for Demimonde, The Ambassador to Bern and Eternal Winter.
- Attila Korpás
Attila Korpás (born 1 September 1945) is a Hungarian-German former professional tennis player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Attila Numerology: Name Attila has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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