What does the name Atul mean? What is the meaning of the name Atul?
Meaning of Atul: Name Atul in the Sanskrit origin, means Matchless or an incomparabale person. Name Atul is of Sanskrit origin and is a Boy name. People with name Atul are usually Hindu by religion.
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Famous people with name Atul (Namesakes)
- Atul Gawande
Atul Gawande (born November 5, 1965) is an American surgeon, writer, and public health researcher.
- Atul Mongia
Atul Mongia has been associated with Hindi cinema for a period spanning two decades, establishing himself as one of the industry's most acclaimed casting directors, with films like Queen, Lootera, Titli, LSD, Shanghai and Shor in the City, to his credit.
- Atul Agnihotri
Atul Agnihotri (born 24th June 1970) is an Indian film actor, producer and director.
- Atul Kasbekar
Atul Kasbekar (born 22 April 1965) is an Indian fashion photographer and Bollywood Film Producer.
- Atul Kulkarni
Atul Kulkarni (born 10 September 1965) is an Indian film actor who has acted in multi -language cinemas.
- Atul Kochhar
Atul Kochhar (born 31 August 1969) is an Indian-born, British based chef, restaurateur, and television personality.
- Atul Tandon
Atul Tandon (born 1 October 1959) is a nonprofit executive, entrepreneur, humanitarian and author.
- Atul Sachdeva
Atul Sachdeva (born 22 August 1980 in Preston, Lancashire) is an English cricketer.
- Atul Bakshi
Atul Bakshi (born 2 September 1956) is an Indian glass artist who specialises stained glass, blown glass, and cast glass.
- Atul Gurtu
Atul Gurtu (born 16 January 1946) is a leading high energy physicist in India.
- Atul
{{Infobox Officeholder | name = Atul kumar Jajoriya | image atulkumarjajoriya = | birth_date = (2002-11-19) 19 November 2002 | birth_place = Alwar khoha , Rajasthan, India | office = Cabinet Minister of Transport, Soldier Welfare, Government of Rajasthan | termstart = 24 December 2018 | office2 = [[Member of Legislative Assembly|n = Politician | children = | party = Indian National Congress | alma_mater = | profession = | nationality = Indian | sibling = | website = [http:/atulkumarjajoriya.com atulkumar60071.com] }}
**Atul kumar jajoriya** is an Indian National Congress politician, who is presently the Transport Minister in the Government of Rajasthan.
- Atul Bora
Atul Bora is an Indian politician from Assam belonging to a regional party, Asom Gana Parishad.
- Atul Bhatkhalkar
Atul Bhatkhalkar (born 8 March 1965) is member of 13th Maharashtra Legislative Assembly belongs to Bhartiya Janata Party.
- Atul Satya Koushik
Atul Satya Koushik is a theatre doyen who is active in Indian theatre as a playwright, director, producer and promoter.
- Atul Mohindra
Atul Mohindra (born 3 August 1966) is an Indian former cricketer.
- Atul Rai
Atul Singh Rai is an Indian politician from uttar pradesh newly elected Member of Parliament of India from Ghosi (Lok Sabha constituency).
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Atul Numerology: Name Atul has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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