What does the name Barna mean? What is the meaning of the name Barna?
Meaning of Barna: Name Barna in the Arabic origin, means Son of Comforting; Young; Youth. Name Barna is of Arabic origin and is a Boy name. People with name Barna are usually Islam, Hindu by religion.
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Famous people with name Barna (Namesakes)
- Petr Barna
Petr Barna (born 9 March 1966) is a Czech former competitive figure skater who competed for Czechoslovakia.
- Anca Barna
Anca Barna (born 14 May 1977) is a retired professional German tennis player.
- Daniel Barna
Daniel Ionuț Barna, (born 22 September 1986) is a Romanian football player who plays for Oberweikertshofen.
- Adriana Barna
Adriana Barna (born 21 May 1978) is a retired professional German tennis player.
- Ramya Barna
- Not to be confused with another Indian actress Ramya.
Ramya Barna Fahaad (born 4 August 1986) is an Indian film actress, primarily appearing in Kannada films.
- Barna Putics
Barna Putics (born 18 August 1984) is a Hungarian handballer who plays for French top division team Tremblay-en-France Handball.
- Barna Papucsek
Barna Papucsek (born 11 October 1989) is a Hungarian professional footballer who plays for Szolnoki MÁV FC.
- Barna Kesztyűs
Barna Kesztyűs (born 4 September 1994) is a Hungarian football player who currently plays for Budapest Honvéd FC on loan from Paksi FC.
- Stepan Barna
Stepan Stepanovych Barna (Ukrainian: Степан Степанович Барна; born 27 April 1961, Zhyznomyr, Ukraine) is a Ukrainian political activist and later politician, member of the Verkhovna Rada.
- Alexandru Barna
Alexandru Vasile Barna (born 6 July 1993) is a Romanian professional footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Ceahlăul Piatra Neamț.
- Szabolcs Barna
Szabolcs Barna (born 27 April 1996) is a Hungarian footballer who currently plays for Debreceni VSC.
- Dan Barna
Dan Barna (born 10 July 1975) is a Romanian politician and lawyer, the president of the Save Romania Union since October 2017.
- Barna Dobos
Barna Dobos is a Hungarian football manager.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Barna Numerology: Name Barna has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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