What does the name Bartholomew mean? What is the meaning of the name Bartholomew?
Meaning of Bartholomew: Name Bartholomew in the English, Aramaic, Hebrew origin, means derives from the Aramaic name meaning 'son of Talmai'. Name Bartholomew is of English, Aramaic, Hebrew origin and is a Boy name. People with name Bartholomew are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Bartholomew (Namesakes)
- Matthew Bartholomew
Matthew Bartholomew (born 20 October 1988) is a Trinidad & Tobago football player, who currently plays for Point Fortin.
- Bartholomew I of Constantinople
Bartholomew I (Greek: Πατριάρχης Βαρθολομαῖος Αʹ, Patriarchis Bartholomaios A', Turkish: Patrik I. Bartholomeos; born 29 February 1940) is the 270th and current archbishop of Constantinople and ecumenical patriarch, since 2 November 1991.
- Summer Bartholomew
Robin Summer Bartholomew (born November 20, 1951 in Merced, California) is an American actress, television personality and beauty pageant titleholder who won the Miss USA 1975 pageant.
- Bartholomew John
- Bartholomew Ogbeche
- Joshua Bartholomew
Joshua Bartholomew (born July 30, 1984), known mononymously as Bartholomew, is a Canadian singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and producer.
- Bartholomew Nnaji
Bartholomew Nnaji is a Nigerian engineer, innovator and one of the inventors of the E-Design concept.
- Ian Bartholomew
Ian Bartholomew (born 23 August 1954) is a British actor from Portsmouth, England who has worked widely in both theatre and television.
- Brent Bartholomew
Brent Robert Bartholomew (born October 22, 1976 in Birmingham, Alabama) is a former American football punter of the National Football League.
- Logan Bartholomew
John Logan Bartholomew (born February 9, 1984) is an American actor born in Galion, Ohio, best known for his role of Willie LaHaye in 3 of the 8 films in the Love Comes Softly series.
- Craig Bartholomew
Craig G. Bartholomew (MA, Potchefstroom University, PhD, Bristol University) is the Director of the Kirby Laing Institute for Christian Ethics.
- Wayne Bartholomew
Wayne "Rabbit" Bartholomew (born; 30 November, 1954) is an Australian surfer who won the World Surfing Championship in 1978, 1999 (ASP world masters) and 2003 (ASP world grand master).
- Rondell Bartholomew
Rondell Bartholomew (born 7 April 1990) is a Grenadian track and field sprinter who specialises in the 400 metres.
- Trish Bartholomew
Trish Bartholomew (born 23 October 1986 in Saint Andrew Parish) is a Grenadian sprinter, who specialized in the 400 metres.
- Edwina Bartholomew
Edwina Louise Christie Bartholomew (born 5 July 1983) is an Australian journalist and television presenter.
- Rodney Bartholomew
Rodney Bartholomew (born May 21, 1989) is an American professional basketball player last played for the Tulsa 66ers of the NBA D-League.
- Jacinta Bartholomew
Jacinta Bartholomew (born 15 January 1965) is a retired Grenadian athlete who specialized in the Long Jump.
- Robert Bartholomew
Robert Bartholomew (born August 17, 1958) is an American medical sociologist, journalist and author living in New Zealand.
- Bart Bartholomew
Bart Bartholomew (born February 9, 1936) is an American weightlifter.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Bartholomew Numerology: Name Bartholomew has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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