What does the name Becker mean? What is the meaning of the name Becker?
Meaning of Becker: Name Becker in the English origin, means Living near a stream. Name Becker is of English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Becker are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Becker (Namesakes)
- Boris Becker
Boris Franz Becker (German pronunciation: [ˈboːʁɪs ˈbɛkɐ]; born 22 November 1967) is a German former world No.
- Jason Becker
Jason Eli Becker (born July 22, 1969) is an American musician, songwriter and composer.
- Howard S. Becker
Howard Saul Becker (born April 18, 1928) is an American sociologist who has made major contributions to the sociology of deviance, sociology of art, and sociology of music.
- Kuno Becker
Eduardo Kuno Becker Peaz (born January 14, 1978) also known as Kuno Becker, is a Mexican actor and film director who has worked in telenovelas, Mexican cinema and U.S. cinema, but is best known for his portrayal of Ruben Berrizabal in Soñadoras and Santiago Muñez in the football movie Goal! and following sequels.
- Sean Becker
Sean Peter Becker (born 7 July 1975 in Ranfurly) is a New Zealand curler.
- Barbara Becker
Barbara Becker (born November 1, 1966 as Barbara Feltus) is a German-American designer, former actress and model.
- Meret Becker
Meret Becker (born 15 January 1969) is a German actress and singer.
- Benjamin Becker
Benjamin Becker (born 16 June 1981) is a German retired professional tennis player.
- Rolf Becker
Rolf Becker (born 31 March 1935) is a German television actor and political activist.
- Muriel Becker
Muriel Gustavo Becker (born 14 February 1987), simply known as Muriel, is a Brazilian footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Fluminense.
- Harold Becker
Harold Becker (born September 25, 1928) is an American film and television director, producer, and photographer from New York, associated with the New Hollywood movement and best known for his work in the thriller genre.
- Margaret Becker
Margaret Becker (born July 17, 1959) is an American Christian rock singer, guitarist, and songwriter.
- Hugo Becker (actor)
Hugo Becker (born 13 May 1987) is a French actor and director.
- Tony Becker
Tony Becker (born September 14, 1963 in Los Angeles, California) is an American actor best known for his role as Private Daniel 'Danny' Purcell on the 1987-1990 CBS Vietnam War series Tour of Duty.
- Sheraldo Becker
- Alison Becker
Alison Helene Becker (born (1977-03-08)March 8, 1977) is an American actress.
- Alan Becker
Alan Becker (born May 18, 1989) is an American online animator and YouTuber.
- Bruce Becker
Bruce Becker (born 3 April 1959) is an American drummer, author and drum teacher based in Los Angeles and has been teaching in the US and abroad since 1982.
- Joshua Becker
Joshua Becker (born 1974) is an American author, writer, and philanthropist.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Becker Numerology: Name Becker has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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