What does the name Bee mean? What is the meaning of the name Bee?
Meaning of Bee: Name Bee in the English origin, means Diminutive of Beatirce, meaning one that brojngs happiness. Name Bee is of English origin and is a Girl name. People with name Bee are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Bee (Namesakes)
- Samantha Bee
Samantha Anne Bee (born October 25, 1969) is a Canadian-American comedian, writer, producer, political commentator, actress, and television host.
- Jaymz Bee
Jaymz Bee (born April 13, 1963) is a Canadian musician, writer, emcee and radio personality based in Toronto, Ontario.
- Busy Bee Starski
David James Parker (born October 26, 1962), known by the stage name Busy Bee, is an American old-school hip hop musician from New York, NY. First coming on the New York City music scene in 1977, Busy Bee worked with many of hip-hop's founding fathers, including Melle Mel, Afrika Bambaataa, and Kool DJ AJ.
- Kenny Bee
Chung Chun-to (born 23 February 1953), also known by his stage name Kenny Bee, is a Hong Kong singer, musician and actor.
- Tim Bee
Timothy S. Bee is a Republican politician and business owner who served in the Arizona State Senate from 2001 through 2008.
- Bee Vang
Bee Vang (born November 4, 1991) is an American actor.
- Susan Bee
Susan Bee (born January 14, 1952) is an American painter, editor, and book artist, who lives in New York City.
- Olivia Bee
Olivia Bolles (born April 5, 1994), better known as Olivia Bee, is an American photographer.
- Yeo Bee Yin
Yeo Bee Yin (simplified Chinese: 杨美盈; traditional Chinese: 楊美盈; pinyin: Yáng Měiyíng; born 26 May 1983) is a Malaysian politician from the Democratic Action Party (DAP), a component party in the Pakatan Harapan (PH) ruling coalition.
- Lee Bee Wah
Lee Bee Wah (Chinese: 李美花; pinyin: Lǐ Měihuā; born 6 October 1960) is a Malaysian-born Singaporean engineer and politician.
- Bee Taechaubol
Bee Taechaubol (born 12 September 1975) is a Thai businessman and founder of Thai Prime Company Limited.
- Easy Mo Bee
Osten Harvey Jr. (born December 8, 1965), better known by his stage name Easy Mo Bee, is a hip hop and R&B record producer, known for production work for late 1980s with artists such as Big Daddy Kane and Miles Davis, as well as his affiliation with Bad Boy Records in its early years and his heavy production involvement in The Notorious B.I.G.'s debut album Ready to Die.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Bee Numerology: Name Bee has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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