What does the name Bennett mean? What is the meaning of the name Bennett?
Meaning of Bennett: Name Bennett in the Latin, English origin, means Little Blessed One. Name Bennett is of Latin, English origin and is a Girl name. People with name Bennett are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Bennett (Namesakes)
- Alan Bennett
Alan Bennett (born 9 May 1934) is an English actor, author, playwright, and screenwriter.
- William Bennett
William John Bennett (born July 31, 1943) is an American conservative pundit, politician, and political theorist, who served as Secretary of Education from 1985 to 1988 under President Ronald Reagan.
- Tony Bennett
Anthony Dominick Benedetto (born August 3, 1926), known professionally as Tony Bennett, is an American singer of traditional pop standards, big band, show tunes, and jazz.
- Jeff Bennett
Jeff Bennett (born October 2, 1962) is an American voice actor and singer.
- Brian Bennett
Brian Laurence Bennett, (born 9 February 1940 in Palmers Green, North London, England) is an English drummer, pianist, composer and producer of popular music.
- Matthew Bennett
Matthew Ray Bennett (born April 9, 1968) is a Canadian actor, writer and director.
- Rhona Bennett
Rhona Lynn Bennett (born May 10, 1976), also known as Miss R&B, is an American singer, actress and model, best known for her recurring role as Nicole on The Jamie Foxx Show.
- Bennett Miller
Bennett Miller (born December 30, 1966) is an American film director, known for directing the acclaimed films Capote (2005), Moneyball (2011), and Foxcatcher (2014).
- Paris Bennett
Paris Ana'is Bennett (born August 21, 1988) is an American singer and finished in fifth place on the fifth season of the reality television talent show, American Idol.
- Pete Bennett
Peter Alexander Bennett (born 22 March 1982) is an English television personality and actor, who rose to fame after winning the seventh series of the Channel 4 reality series Big Brother in 2006.
- Eliza Bennett
Eliza Hope Bennett (born 17 March 1992) is an English actress and singer.
- Zachary Bennett
Zachary Bennett (born February 17, 1980) is a Canadian actor and musician in Toronto, Ontario, who is known for playing Felix King in Road to Avonlea.
- Haley Bennett
Haley Loraine Keeling (born January 7, 1988), known professionally as Haley Bennett, is an American actress and singer.
- Michèle Bennett
Michèle Bennett (born 15 January 1950) is the former First Lady of Haiti and the ex‑wife of former President of Haiti, Jean‑Claude Duvalier.
- Manu Bennett
Jonathan Manu Bennett (born 10 October 1969) is a New Zealand actor.
- Shannon Bennett
Shannon Bennett (born 23 November 1975) is an Australian chef and author.
- Naftali Bennett
Naftali Bennett (Hebrew: נַפְתָּלִי בֶּנֶט; born 25 March 1972) is an Israeli politician who led the Jewish Home party between 2012 and 2018 and currently serves as an MK for New Right and as the Minister of Defense.
- Susan Bennett
Susan Alice Bennett (nee Cameron, born July 31, 1949) is an American voice-over artist and a former backup singer for Roy Orbison and Burt Bacharach.
- Kaitlin Bennett
Kaitlin Marie Bennett (born October 15, 1995), sometimes referred to as Gun Girl, is an American gun rights advocate, anti-abortion activist, and right-wing social media personality.
- Cole Bennett
Cole Bennett (born May 14, 1996) is an American business executive and music video director.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Bennett Numerology: Name Bennett has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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