What does the name Bonifacio mean? What is the meaning of the name Bonifacio?
Meaning of Bonifacio: Name Bonifacio in the Italian, Portuguese origin, means A man who has goof faith. Name Bonifacio is of Italian, Portuguese origin and is a Boy name. People with name Bonifacio are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Bonifacio: A man who has goof faith
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Famous people with name Bonifacio (Namesakes)
- Brandon Bonifacio
Brandon Bonifacio (born 29 June 1989) is a Canadian professional footballer who plays for UBC Thunderbirds.
- Selvin Bonifacio Zepeda
Selvin Bonifacio Zepeda Morales (born 13 July 1981 in San Sebastián) is a Salvadoran football player who represented El Salvador at international level.
- Marcos Bonifacio da Rocha
Marcos Bonifacio da Rocha (born 7 March 1976) is a Brazilian football player.
- Paul Bonifacio Parkinson
Paul Bonifacio Parkinson (born February 16, 1991) is an Italian-Canadian figure skater who represented Italy in international competition.
- Jorge Bonifacio
Jorge Luis Bonifacio (born June 4, 1993) is a Dominican professional baseball outfielder for the Detroit Tigers organization.
- Bruno Bonifacio
Bruno Bonifacio (born 2 November 1994) is a Brazilian racing driver.
- Bonifacio Herrera
Bonifacio Herrera Rivera (born 14 March 1961) is a Mexican politician from the National Action Party.
- Bonifacio Castillo Cruz
Bonifacio Castillo Cruz (born 1 November 1964) is a Mexican politician from the Party of the Democratic Revolution.
- Sara Bonifacio
Sara Bonifacio (born 3 July 1996) is an Italian female volleyball player who plays for Igor Gorgonzola Novara.
- AC Bonifacio
Andree Camille Bonifacio is a Filipino dancer, singer, and occasional actress known for being the first ever grand champion of Filipino TV dance competition Dance Kids along with Lucky Ancheta In 2016.
- Ezequiel Bonifacio
- Bonifacio García
Bonifacio García Ochaita (born 3 March 1969) is a Spanish boxer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 11
Baby Name Bonifacio Numerology: Name Bonifacio has a number value of 11 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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