What does the name Bradshaw mean? What is the meaning of the name Bradshaw?
Meaning of Bradshaw: Name Bradshaw in the English origin, means A broad meadow, grassland or thicket. Name Bradshaw is of English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Bradshaw are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Bradshaw: A broad meadow, grassland or thicket
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Famous people with name Bradshaw (Namesakes)
- Terry Bradshaw
Terry Paxton Bradshaw (born September 2, 1948) is an American former professional football player who was a quarterback in the National Football League (NFL).
- Ben Bradshaw
Benjamin Peter James Bradshaw (born 30 August 1960) is a British Labour Party politician who has been the Member of Parliament (MP) for Exeter since 1997 and was the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport from 2009 to 2010.
- Daniel Bradshaw
Daniel Mark Bradshaw (born 21 November 1978) is a former professional Australian rules footballer who played for the Brisbane Bears, Brisbane Lions and Sydney Swans in the Australian Football League (AFL).
- Nigel Bradshaw
Nigel William Bradshaw (born 08 May 1951 in Camberley, Surrey) is a British-born actor, who is best known for his role as Dennis Cruickshank in the Australian television series Prisoner.
- Peter Bradshaw
Peter Bradshaw (born 19 June 1962) is an English writer and film critic.
- Ahmad Bradshaw
Ahmad Bradshaw (born March 19, 1986) is a former American football running back.
- Luisa Bradshaw-White
Luisa Bradshaw-White (born 9 December 1974) is an English actress, known for playing Tina Carter in EastEnders and for her previous roles on Bad Girls, Holby City and This Life.
- Craig Bradshaw
Craig Robert Bradshaw (born 28 July 1983) is a New Zealand former professional basketball player.
- James Bradshaw (actor)
James Bradshaw (born 20 March 1976) is an English actor, known for his roles as Gordon Grimley in the Granada series The Grimleys, D.S Geoff Thorpe in Hollyoaks and Dr.
- Gary Bradshaw
Gary Bradshaw (born 30 December 1982) is an English footballer who plays for Hull United as a striker.
- Cathryn Bradshaw
Cathryn Bradshaw (born 13 January 1964, Blackpool) is an English actress, perhaps best known for her role in Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit.
- Kevin Bradshaw
Kevin Bradshaw (born February 13, 1965) is an American former professional basketball player and current collegiate basketball coach.
- Tom Bradshaw (footballer, born 1992)
Thomas William Bradshaw (born 27 July 1992) is a professional footballer who plays as a striker for Championship club Millwall.
- Clyde Bradshaw
Clyde Bradshaw Jr. (born December 28, 1959) is a retired American basketball player.
- Sufe Bradshaw
Sufe Bradshaw ( SOO-fee; born November 30, 1979) is an American actress, best known for her role as Sue, the secretary and scheduler with an acerbic wit, to Vice-President Selina Meyer, in the HBO comedy series Veep.
- Paula Bradshaw
Paula Jane Bradshaw (born 1 November 1972) is an Alliance Party politician from Northern Ireland.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Bradshaw Numerology: Name Bradshaw has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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