What does the name Briggs mean? What is the meaning of the name Briggs?
Meaning of Briggs: Name Briggs in the English origin, means Hisvillage is near the bridge. Name Briggs is of English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Briggs are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Briggs (Namesakes)
- Eddie Briggs
Eddie Jerome Briggs (born October 14, 1949) is an American politician formerly from De Kalb in Kemper County in eastern Mississippi.
- Raymond Briggs
Raymond Redvers Briggs, CBE (born 18 January 1934) is an English illustrator, cartoonist, graphic novelist and author who has achieved critical and popular success among adults and children.
- Joe Bob Briggs
John Irving Bloom (born January 27, 1953), known by the stage name Joe Bob Briggs, is a syndicated American film critic, writer, and comic performer.
- Shannon Briggs
Shannon Briggs (born December 4, 1971) is an American professional boxer.
- Nicholas Briggs
Nicholas Briggs (born 29 September 1961) is an English actor, writer, director, sound designer, composer and voice actor.
- Johnny Briggs (actor)
John Ernest Briggs, (born 5 September 1935) is an English actor.
- Anne Briggs
Anne Patricia Briggs (born 29 September 1944) is an English folk singer.
- Lance Briggs
Lance Marell Briggs (born November 12, 1980) is a former American football linebacker in the National Football League (NFL).
- James Briggs (musician)
Randall James Briggs, Jr. (born February 27, 1978), credited professionally as James R. Briggs, Jr., is an American musician, best known as the keyboardist for the California rock band The Aquabats, of which he has been a member since 1996 under the stage name and persona of Jimmy the Robot.
- Vic Briggs
Victor Harvey Briggs III (born 14 February 1945 in Twickenham, Middlesex, England) is a former blues and rock musician, best known as the lead guitarist with Eric Burdon and The Animals during the 1966-1968 period.
- Barry Briggs
Barry Briggs (born 30 December 1934) is a former New Zealand Speedway rider.
- Matthew Briggs
Matthew Anthony Briggs (born 6 March 1991) is a professional footballer who plays as a left-back for Dartford.
- Michael Briggs, Lord Briggs of Westbourne
Michael Townley Featherstone Briggs, Lord Briggs of Westbourne (born 23 December 1954) is a Justice of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom.
- Briggs (rapper)
Adam Briggs (born 28 August 1986), who performs as Briggs and self-describes as Senator Briggs, is an Indigenous Australian rapper, record label owner, comedy writer, and actor.
- Carlos Briggs
Carlos Briggs (born March 2, 1963) is a retired American professional basketball player from Detroit, Michigan.
- Andrew Briggs
(George) Andrew Davidson Briggs (born 1950) is a British scientist.
- Samantha Briggs
Samantha "Sam" Briggs (born 14 March 1982) is a CrossFit athlete best known for winning the CrossFit Games in 2013.
- Bishop Briggs
Sarah Grace McLaughlin (born 18 July 1992), better known as Bishop Briggs, is a British musician, singer, and songwriter.
- Steve Briggs
Do you know any famous people named Briggs, let us know and we would update the information.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Briggs Numerology: Name Briggs has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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