What does the name Chan mean? What is the meaning of the name Chan?
Meaning of Chan: Name Chan in the Spanish, Cyprus origin, means The gracious God. Name Chan is of Spanish, Cyprus origin and is a Boy name. People with name Chan are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Chan (Namesakes)
- Bobo Chan
Bobo Chan Man-Woon is a former Hong Kong singer and model.
- Grace Chan
Grace Chan (born 23 June 1991) is a Hong Kong-born Canadian actress, television show host, and beauty pageant titleholder.
- Jackie Chan
Chan Kong-sang (Chinese: 陳港生; born 7 April 1954), known professionally as Jackie Chan, is a Hong Kongese martial artist, actor, film director, producer, stuntman, and singer.
- Anson Chan
- This is a Hong Kong name; Fang is the maiden name and Chan is the married name.
Anson Maria Elizabeth Chan Fang On-sang, GBM, GCMG, CBE, JP (Chinese: 陳方安生; born 17 January 1940) is a Hong Kong politician and civil servant who served as Chief Secretary in both the Hong Kong Government under the British sovereignty and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government under the Chinese sovereignty.
- Eason Chan
Eason Chan Yick-shun (born 27 July 1974) is a Hong Kong singer and actor.
- Jaycee Chan
Jaycee Chan Joming (born 3 December 1982), known professionally as Jaycee Chan, is an American-born Hong Kong actor and singer.
- Kit Chan
Kit Chan (simplified Chinese: 陈洁仪; traditional Chinese: 陳潔儀; pinyin: Chén Jiéyí, born 15 September 1972) is a Singaporean singer and actress.
- Jordan Chan
Chan Siu-Chun (born 8 July 1967), also known as Jordan Chan, is a Hong Kong actor and singer.
- Sunny Chan
Sunny Chan Kam-hung (born 1 January 1967) is a Hong Kong television and film actor.
- Sharon Chan
Sharon Chan (born 17 January 1979) is a Hong Kong actress and model.
- Aimee Chan
Aimee Chan (born 1 April 1981) or Chan Yan-mei (Traditional Chinese: 陳茵媺) is a Canadian born actress based in Hong Kong.
- Margaret Chan
- This is a Hong Kong name; Fung is the maiden name and Chan is the married name.
Margaret Chan Fung Fu-chun, (born August 21, 1947) is a Chinese-Canadian physician, who served as the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) delegating the People's Republic of China for 2006–2017.
- Francis Chan
Francis Chan (born August 31, 1967, in San Francisco, California), is an American Christian author, and a teacher and preacher in evangelical churches and related settings.
- Ruco Chan
Ruco Chan Chin-pang (Chinese: 陳展鵬; born 14 January 1977) is a Hong Kong actor and singer.
- Gemma Chan
Gemma Chan (born 29 November 1982) is an English actress.
- Macy Chan
Macy Chan (Chinese:陳美詩, born 22 February 1981) is a Hong Kong actress and singer.
- Alice Chan
Alice Chan Wai (born 21 November 1973) is a Hong Kong film and television actress.
- Priscilla Chan
Priscilla Chan (born February 24, 1985), also known as Priscilla Chan Zuckerberg, is an American pediatrician and philanthropist.
- Jeremy Chan
Jeremy Chan Ming Yuew (born 17 July 1981) is a Singaporean actor and host.
- Julia Chan
Julia Chan, also known as Julia Taylor Ross, is an English actress and television host.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Chan Numerology: Name Chan has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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