What does the name Chung mean? What is the meaning of the name Chung?
Meaning of Chung: Name Chung in the Chinese origin, means The person who is wise and has deep understanding in various matters. Name Chung is of Chinese origin and is a Boy name. People with name Chung are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Chung (Namesakes)
- Connie Chung
Constance Yu-Hwa Chung (born August 20, 1946) is an American journalist.
- Fan Chung
Fan-Rong King Chung Graham (Chinese: 金芳蓉; pinyin: Jīn Fāngróng; born October 9, 1949), known professionally as Fan Chung, is a Taiwanese-born American mathematician who works mainly in the areas of spectral graph theory, extremal graph theory and random graphs, in particular in generalizing the Erdős–Rényi model for graphs with general degree distribution (including power-law graphs in the study of large information networks).
- Gillian Chung
Gillian Chung Yan-tung (born Chung Dik-san on 21 January 1981) is a Hong Kong film actress and singer.
- Peter Chung
Peter Chung (born April 19, 1961) is a Korean American animator.
- Chung Mong-koo
Chung Mong-koo (born March 19, 1938, in Gangwon Province) is a South Korean business magnate who is the chairman and CEO of Hyundai Motor Group.
- Christy Chung
Christy Chung (born 19 September 1970) is a Canadian actress and restauratrice.
- Alexa Chung
Alexa Chung (born 5 November 1983) is a British writer, television presenter, model, and fashion designer.
- Linda Chung
Linda Chung Ka-yan (Chinese: 鍾嘉欣) (born in 9 April 1984) is a Chinese-Canadian actress, singer and songwriter.
- Cherie Chung
Cherie Chung Chor-hung (Chinese: 鍾楚紅; pinyin: Zhōng Chǔhóng; born 16 February 1960) is a retired Hong Kong film actress.
- Patrick Chung
Patrick Christopher Chung (born August 19, 1987) is a Jamaican professional American football strong safety for the New England Patriots of the National Football League.
- Jamie Chung
Jamie Jilynn Chung (born April 10, 1983) is an American actress, and former reality television personality.
- Chipo Chung
- Wallace Chung
Wallace Chung Hon-leung (simplified Chinese: 钟汉良; traditional Chinese: 鍾漢良; pinyin: Zhong Hànliáng; born 30 November 1974) is a Hong Kong actor of Hakka ancestry.
- Wonho Chung
Wonho Chung (Arabic: ونهو شونغ, Korean: 정원호) is a comedian and television personality, born in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and raised in Amman, Jordan, to a South Korean father and Vietnamese mother.
- Lee Chung-ah
Lee Chung-ah (born October 29, 1984) is a South Korean actress.
- Chung Sye-kyun
Chung Sye-kyun (Korean: 정세균; Hanja: 丁世均; born 5 November 1950) is a South Korean politician, former Speaker of the National Assembly, and the current Prime Minister of South Korea.
- Chungha
Kim Chung-ha (Korean: 김청하, born Kim Chan-mi [김찬미]; February 9, 1996), better known mononymously as Chungha (stylized as CHUNG HA), is a South Korean singer, dancer, songwriter, and choreographer.
- Charlet Chung
Chihye "Charlet" Takahashi Chung (born February 16, 1983) is an American actress, who is best known for her works in voice acting, as well as for her various roles throughout film and television.
- Chung Chung-hoon
Chung Chung-hoon (born June 15, 1970) is a South Korean cinematographer and filmmaker, best known for his collaborations with director Park Chan-wook and other films, such as Me and Earl and the Dying Girl and It.
- Chung Eui-yong
Chung Eui-yong (Korean: 정의용; born 1946) is a South Korean diplomat and politician, serving as the Director of the National Security Office, which resembles that of National Security Advisor (United States).
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Chung Numerology: Name Chung has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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