What does the name Cristopher mean? What is the meaning of the name Cristopher?
Meaning of Cristopher: Name Cristopher in the Biblical origin, means English and Spanish Variant of the name 'Christopher'; Bearing,carrying Christ in your heart. Name Cristopher is of Biblical origin and is a Boy name. People with name Cristopher are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Cristopher: English and Spanish Variant of the name 'Christopher'; Bearing,carrying Christ in your heart
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Famous people with name Cristopher (Namesakes)
- Cristopher Sánchez
Cristopher Alexis Sánchez (born December 12, 1996) is a Dominican professional baseball pitcher in the Philadelphia Phillies organization.
- Cristopher Toselli
Cristopher Benjamín Toselli Ríos (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈkɾistofeɾ toˈseli], born 15 June 1988) is a Chilean footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Universidad Católica.
- Cristopher Tronco Sánchez
Cristopher Tronco Sánchez (born November 17, 1985 in Mexico City) is a Mexican swimmer.
- Cristopher Nihlstorp
Cristopher Daniel Karlsson-Nilstorp (born February 16, 1984) is a Swedish professional ice hockey goaltender.
- Cristopher Pavón
Cristopher Joel Pavón Funes (born 18 April 1993 in El Progreso) is a Honduran weightlifter.
- Cristopher Moisés
Cristopher Moisés Rolin (born 3 September 1993), commonly known as Crístofer, is a Spanish-born Equatorial Guinean footballer who plays for Icelandic club UMF Skallagrímur as a striker.
- Cristopher Mansilla
Cristopher Javier Mansilla Almonacid (born (1990-05-24)24 May 1990) is a Chilean track and road cyclist.
- Cristopher Varela
Cristopher Javier Varela Caicedo (born 27 November 1999) is a Venezuelan footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Deportivo Táchira.
- Manuel Cristopher Figuera
Manuel Ricardo Cristopher Figuera is the former director of the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (SEBIN) and former major general of the Venezuelan army.
- Cristopher Fiermarin
Cristopher Javier Fiermarin Forlán (born 1 January 1998) is a Uruguayan professional footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Primera División side Club Atlético Torque.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Cristopher Numerology: Name Cristopher has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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