What does the name Dorota mean? What is the meaning of the name Dorota?
Meaning of Dorota: Name Dorota in the Polish, Czech origin, means One who has bright mind. Name Dorota is of Polish, Czech origin and is a Girl name. People with name Dorota are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Dorota (Namesakes)
- Dorota Klencz
Dorota Monika Klencz (born 19 July 1955) is a Polish gymnast.
- Dorota Wellman
Dorota Wellman (born 2 March 1961 in Warsaw) is a Polish journalist, television and radio personality and television producer.
- Dorota Miler
Dorota Miler (born 1 February 1944) is a Polish gymnast.
- Dorota Idzi
Dorota Idzi (born 8 May 1966) is a Polish modern pentathlete.
- Dorota Siudek
Dorota Siudek (née: Zagórska) (Polish pronunciation: [dɔˈrɔta (zaˈɡurska) ˈɕudɛk]; born 9 September 1975 in Kraków) is a Polish retired pair skater who is now a coach.
- Dorota Masłowska
Dorota Masłowska (Polish pronunciation:[dɔˈrɔta maˈswɔfska]; born 3 July 1983) is a Polish writer, playwright, columnist and journalist. - Dorota Kędzierzawska
Dorota Kędzierzawska (Polish pronunciation: [dɔˈrɔta kɛɲd͡ʑɛˈʐafska]; born 1 June 1957) is a Polish director of feature and documentary films.
- Dorota Jakuta
Dorota Jakuta (born 16 January 1958) is a Polish politician, current Chairperson of Bydgoszcz City Council and Councillor who represents the 4th district.
- Dorota Jędrusińska
Dorota Jędrusińska, née Dydo (born February 4, 1982 in Mielec) is a track and field sprint athlete who competes internationally for Poland.
- Dorota Miśkiewicz
Dorota Miśkiewicz [dɔˈrɔta miɕˈkʲɛvit͡ʂ] (born 12 September 1973) is a Polish singer, songwriter, composer, and violinist.
- Dorota Segda
Dorota Segda (born 12 February 1966) is a Polish stage, film and television actress.
- Dorota Nvotová
Dorota Nvotová (born 27 October 1982 in Považská Bystrica, Czechoslovakia) is a Slovak singer, actress, and journalist for the newspaper .týždeň.
- Dorota Pomykała
Dorota Pomykała (born 3 July 1956) is a Polish actress.
- Dorota Brzozowska
Dorota Brzozowska (born 6 August 1964) is a Polish swimmer.
- Dorota Zdanowska
Dorota Zdanowska (born 4 March 1954) is a Polish rower.
- Dorota Staszewska
Dorota Staszewska (born 2 October 1978) is a Polish sports sailor.
- Dorota Bidołach
Dorota Bidołach (born 22 June 1957) is a Polish sports shooter.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Dorota Numerology: Name Dorota has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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