What does the name Edoardo mean? What is the meaning of the name Edoardo?
Meaning of Edoardo: Name Edoardo in the Italian origin, means Rich guardian; they are responsible and efficient. Name Edoardo is of Italian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Edoardo are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Edoardo: Rich guardian; they are responsible and efficient
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Famous people with name Edoardo (Namesakes)
- Edoardo Vianello
Edoardo Vianello (born 24 June 1938) is an Italian singer, composer and actor.
- Edoardo Purgatori
Edoardo Purgatori a.k.a.
- Edoardo Ponti
Edoardo Ponti is an Italian director.
- Edoardo Bennato
Edoardo Bennato (born July 23, 1946, Naples, Campania, Italy) is an Italian singer-songwriter.
- Edoardo Ballerini
Edoardo Ballerini (born March 20, 1970) is an Italian-American actor, writer, director and film producer.
- Edoardo Molinari
Edoardo Molinari (born 11 February 1981) is an Italian professional golfer who plays on the European Tour, where he is a three-time winner.
- Edoardo Contini
Edoardo Contini (Italian pronunciation: [edoˈardo konˈtiːni]; born July 6, 1955) is an Italian Camorra boss.
- Edoardo Costa
Edoardo Cicorini (born 7 August 1967; better known as Edoardo Costa) is an Italian-born fashion model, actor and entrepreneur.
- Edoardo Pazzagli
Edoardo Pazzagli (born 11 April 1989) is an Italian former professional footballer who plays as a goalkeeper.
- Edoardo Lancini
Edoardo Lancini (born 10 April 1994) is an Italian footballer who currently plays for Italian side S.S.D. Palermo as a centre back.
- Edoardo Defendi
Edoardo Defendi (born 24 August 1991) is an Italian footballer who plays for Pro Patria.
- Edoardo Stoppa
Edoardo Stoppa (born 20 November 1969) is an Italian television personality.
- Edoardo Winspeare
Edoardo Carlo Winspeare Guicciardi (born 14 September 1965) is an Italian actor, screenwriter and film director.
- Edoardo Masciangelo
Edoardo Masciangelo (born 8 July 1996) is an Italian professional footballer who plays as a left-back for the Italian club Pescara.
- Edoardo Scotti
Edoardo Scotti (born 9 May 2000) is an Italian male 400 meter dash, who won a gold medal at the 2018 IAAF World U20 Championships and was finalist at the 2018 European Athletics Championships with Italian national track relay team.
- Edoardo Airoldi
Edoardo Maria Airoldi is the Millard E. Gladfelter Professor of Statistics and Data Science in the Fox School of Business at Temple University, and a principal investigator at Harvard University.
- Edoardo Pesce
Edoardo Pesce (born 12 September 1979) is an Italian actor.
- Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi
Count Edoardo Alessandro Mapelli Mozzi (born 19 November 1983) is a British property developer.
- Edoardo Mazza
Edoardo Mazza (born 15 March 1964) is an Italian former professional tennis player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Edoardo Numerology: Name Edoardo has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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