What does the name Emilie mean? What is the meaning of the name Emilie?
Meaning of Emilie: Name Emilie in the German, Latin, French origin, means someone who is extremely laborious, hard working and striving.. Name Emilie is of German, Latin, French origin and is a Girl name. People with name Emilie are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Emilie: someone who is extremely laborious, hard working and striving.
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Famous people with name Emilie (Namesakes)
- Emilie Autumn
Emilie Autumn Liddell (born on September 22, 1979), better known by her stage name Emilie Autumn, is an American singer-songwriter, poet, violinist, and actress.
- Emilie Brown
Emilie Colleen de Azevedo Brown (born January 26, 1971 in Encino, California) is an American voice actress, producer, and director.
- Emilie-Claire Barlow
Emilie-Claire Barlow (born 6 June 1976) is a Canadian singer, arranger, record producer, and voice actress.
- Emilie Nussear
Emilie Nussear Connors (born November 9, 1982 in Clearwater, Florida) is an American former competitive ice dancer.
- Emilie Ullerup
Emilie Ullerup (born 27 October 1984) is a Danish actress.
- Emilie Aubry
Emilie Aubry (born 16 February 1989) is a Swiss professional racing cyclist.
- Emilie Nicolas
Emilie Nicolas Kongshavn (born 26 November 1987) is a Norwegian singer-songwriter from Bærum.
- Emilie Esther
Emilie Esther (born 12 May 1999) is a Danish singer who rose to fame as the winner of the eighth season of the Danish series of The X Factor.
- Emilie Livingston
Emilie Goldblum (née Livingston, born January 4, 1983) is a Canadian dancer, aerialist and contortionist, and retired Olympic rhythmic gymnast.
- Emilie Nautnes
Emilie Nautnes (born 13 January 1999) is a Norwegian footballer who plays for LSK Kvinner FK and the Norway women's national football team.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Emilie Numerology: Name Emilie has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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