What does the name Emilio mean? What is the meaning of the name Emilio?
Meaning of Emilio: Name Emilio in the Italian, Portuguese, Spanish origin, means someone who tries to emulate or a rival.. Name Emilio is of Italian, Portuguese, Spanish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Emilio are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Emilio: someone who tries to emulate or a rival.
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Famous people with name Emilio (Namesakes)
- Emilio Butragueño
Emilio Butragueño Santos (Spanish pronunciation: [eˈmiljo βutɾaˈɣeɲo ˈsantos]; born 22 July 1963) is a Spanish retired footballer who played as a striker.
- Emilio Estevez
Emilio Estevez (; born May 12, 1962) is an American actor.
- Emilio Palma
Emilio Marcos Palma (born 7 January 1978) is an Argentine man who was the first documented person born on the continent of Antarctica.
- Emilio Estefan
Emilio Estefan Gómez (born March 4, 1953) is a Cuban American musician and producer.
- Emilio Nsue
Emilio Nsue López (born 30 September 1989) is a Spanish-born Equatorial Guinean professional footballer who plays for Cypriot First Division club Apollon Limassol and captains the Equatorial Guinea national team.
- Emilio Martínez
name = Emilio Martínez fullname = Emilio Martinez perez height = 1.78 m (5 ft 10 in) birth_date = (1999-05-10) 10 May 1999 birth_place = spainNacional|Nacional Asunción]]
He is a social media star with his twin brother Ivan Martinez, he has a sister called Rebecca Martinez.
- Emilio Echevarría
Emilio Echevarría (born July 3, 1944) is a Mexican actor.
- Emilio Azcárraga Jean
Emilio Fernando Azcárraga Jean III (Spanish pronunciation: [eˈmiljo asˈkaraɣa ʝin] (listen); born 1968) is a Mexican businessman and chief executive officer (CEO) of Televisa, a Mexican mass media company.
- Emilio Delgado
Emilio Delgado (born May 8, 1940) is a Mexican American actor (film and television), voice artist and singer best known for his role as Luis, the Fix-it Shop owner, on the children's television series Sesame Street.
- Emilio Castillo
Emilio "Mimi" Castillo (born Sep 24 1950, Detroit, Michigan) is an American saxophone player and composer, best known as the founder of the band Tower of Power.
- Emilio Larrosa
Emilio Larrosa (born Emilio Larrosa Irigoyen in Mexico) is a Mexican producer who has produced telenovelas and soap operas for Televisa.
- Emilio Rivera
Emilio Rivera (born February 24, 1961) is an American film and television actor and stand-up comedian.
- Emilio Scotto
Emilio Scotto (Buenos Aires, September 27, 1954) is an Argentine adventurer, photojournalist, and writer.
- Emilio Muñoz
Emilio Muñoz (born 22 May 1962) is a Spanish film actor and bullfighter.
- Emilio Limón
Emilio Limón (born 4 December 1988) is a Surinamese international footballer who plays as a midfielder for Robinhood.
- Emilio Buale Coka
Ludwig Emilio Buale Coka (born 26 November 1972) is an Equatorial Guinean-Spanish actor of Bubi descent.
- Emilio Guerra
José Emilio Guerra Rodríguez (born 15 March 1982) is a Spanish professional footballer who plays for Unión Deportiva Torre Del Mar as a forward.
- Emilio Lledó
Emilio Lledó Íñigo (Seville, 5 November 1927) is a Spanish philosopher.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Emilio Numerology: Name Emilio has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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