What does the name Fabio mean? What is the meaning of the name Fabio?
Meaning of Fabio: Name Fabio in the Italian origin, means He who owns a bean farm. Name Fabio is of Italian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Fabio are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Fabio (Namesakes)
- Fabio Capello
Fabio Capello (Italian pronunciation: [ˈfaːbjo kaˈpɛllo, -ˈpel-]; born 18 June 1946) is an Italian former professional football manager and player.
- Fabio Cannavaro
Fabio Cannavaro (Italian pronunciation: [ˈfaːbjo kannaˈvaːro]; born 13 September 1973) is an Italian former professional footballer and current manager of Chinese club Guangzhou Evergrande.
- Fabio Grosso
Fabio Grosso (Italian pronunciation: [ˈfaːbjo ˈɡrɔsso]; born 28 November 1977) is an Italian former professional football player and manager who last coached Brescia.
- Fabio Quagliarella
Fabio Quagliarella (Italian pronunciation: [ˈfaːbjo kwaʎʎaˈrɛlla]; born 31 January 1983) is an Italian professional footballer who plays as a forward for Sampdoria and the Italy national team.
- Fabio Fognini
Fabio Fognini (Italian pronunciation: [ˈfaːbjo foɲˈɲiːni]; born 24 May 1987) is an Italian professional tennis player.
- Fabio Borriello
Fabio Borriello (born 16 December 1985) is an Italian former professional footballer who played as a defender.
- Fabio Lanzoni
Fabio Lanzoni (Italian pronunciation: [ˈfaːbjo lanˈtsoːni]; born March 15, 1959), known mononymously as Fabio, is an Italian-American actor, fashion model and spokesman noted for a wide-ranging career including appearances as spokesman for I Can't Believe It's Not Butter!
- Fabio Borini
Fabio Borini (Italian pronunciation: [ˈfaːbjo boˈriːni]; born 29 March 1991) is an Italian professional footballer who plays as a forward for Verona and the Italy national team.
- Fabio Volo
Fabio Volo, pseudonym of Fabio Bonetti, (born 23 June 1972) is an Italian writer, actor, radio and television presenter and screenwriter.
- Fabio Concato
Fabio Concato (born Fabio Piccaluga, 31 May 1953 in Milan) is an Italian singer-songwriter.
- Fabio Ide
Fabio Ide (born on 26 December 1987) is a Brazilian actor and model in Philippines.
- Xilonen
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Fabio Numerology: Name Fabio has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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