What does the name Kadir mean? What is the meaning of the name Kadir?
Meaning of Kadir: Name Kadir in the Arabic origin, means Ray of Light; Shoot of Grass; Green; Spring Greeni; A varaint is Qadir. Name Kadir is of Arabic origin and is a Boy name. People with name Kadir are usually Islam, Muslim by religion.
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Famous people with name Kadir (Namesakes)
- Nazar Kadir
Nazar Kadir (born 1 June 1966) is an Iraqi weightlifter.
- Kadir Güntepe
Kadir Güntepe (born 27 June 1984) is the former Turkish district governor in Beytüşşebap.
- Kadir Doğulu
Abdulkadir Doğulu (born 19 April 1982), better known as Kadir Doğulu, is a Turkish actor.
- Kadir İnanır
Kadir İnanır (born 15 April 1949) is a Turkish film actor and director
- Kadir Topbaş
Kadir Topbaş (born 8 January 1945) is a Turkish architect, businessman, politician and former mayor of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality in Turkey from 2004 to 2017.
- Foued Kadir
Foued Kadir (born 5 December 1983) is a professional footballer who plays as an attacking midfielder.
An Algerian international, Kadir was a member of the Algeria national team at the 2010 Africa Cup of Nations and the 2010 FIFA World Cup.
- Syed Abdul Kadir
Kadir Syed Abdul, born 16 February 1948, was the first Singaporean to win a medal for boxing in the Commonwealth Games, where he was awarded the bronze medal.
- Zainurin Abdul Kadir
Zainurin Abdul Kadir (born 11 January 1983) is a Malaysian football goalkeeper for Muar Municipal Council FC in the Malaysia Premier League.
- Kadir Rana
Kadir Rana is an Indian politician, belonging to Bahujan Samaj Party.
- Kadir Keleş
Kadir Keleş (born 1 January 1988 in Trabzon) is a Turkish football midfielder.
- Elishay Kadir
Elishay Kadir (Hebrew: אלישי כדיר) (born November 4, 1987) is an Israeli professional basketball player, who lastly played for Hapoel Tel Aviv of the Israeli Premier League.
- Kadir Bekmezci
Kadir Bekmezci (born 5 July 1985) is a Belgian professional footballer of Turkish descent who plays as an attacking midfielder for Turkish club Elazığspor.
- Kadir Akbulut
Kadir Akbulut (born 8 May 1960) is a former Turkish footballer and current coach and occasional newspaper columnist.
- Kadir Caidi
Kadir Caidi (born 17 July 1990) is an Italian footballer who plays as a defender.
- Kadir Arı
Kadir Ari (born 27 November 1994) is a Turkish football midfielder who plays for Uşakspor.
- Sadik Kadir
Sadik Kadir (born 27 July 1981) is a former professional tennis player from Australia.
- Kadir Hodžić
Kadir Hodžić (born 5 August 1994) is a Swedish footballer who plays for Dalkurd FF.
- Slawee Kadir
Slawee Kadir (born 28 June 1933) is a Hong Kong field hockey player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Kadir Numerology: Name Kadir has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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