What does the name Katalin mean? What is the meaning of the name Katalin?
Meaning of Katalin: Name Katalin in the Hungarian origin, means Katalin means Pure. Name Katalin is of Hungarian origin and is a Girl name. People with name Katalin are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Katalin (Namesakes)
- Katalin Zsilák
Katalin Zsilák (born 15 September 1989 in Békéscsaba) is a Hungarian handballer who plays for Békéscsabai Előre NKSE in right wing position.
- Katalin Vad
Katalin Vad, better known by her porn star name Michelle Wild (vad literally means "wild" in Hungarian) (born 16 January 1980) is a Hungarian actress and former erotic performer who worked mainly for Private Media Group (International) and LUXx Video (Hungary).
- Katalin Kovács
Katalin Kovács (born 29 February 1976) is a Hungarian sprint canoer.
- Katalin Tuschák
Katalin Tuschák (born 13 June 1959) is a Hungarian fencer, who won a bronze medal in the team foil competition at the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul together with Zsuzsanna Szőcs, Zsuzsanna Jánosi, Edit Kovács and Gertrúd Stefanek.
- Katalin Zamiar
Katalin Rodriguez-Ogren (maiden name Katalin Rodriguez Zamiar, best known as Katalin Zamiar) (born August 12, 1971 in Chicago) is an American martial artist, sportswriter, fitness instructor, gym owner and martial arts actress.
- Katalin Bogyay
Katalin Annamária Bogyay (born 20 August 1956) is a Hungarian diplomat, currently serving as the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary and Permanent Representative of Hungary to the United Nations in New York since 1 January 2015-.
- Katalin Tóth
Katalin Zöldi-Tóth (born 25 June 1984 in Sátoraljaújhely) is a Hungarian handballer who plays for Békéscsabai Előre NKSE and the Hungarian national team.
- Katalin Csöbör
Katalin Csöbör (born 20 January 1965) is a Hungarian politician, member of the National Assembly (MP) for Miskolc (Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Constituency I) since 2010.
- Katalin Makray
Katalin Makray (born 5 April 1945) is a Hungarian former gymnast who competed in the 1964 Summer Olympics and in the 1968 Summer Olympics.
She is the spouse of former President of Hungary Pál Schmitt and serves as the First Lady of Hungary from 2010 to 2012, during her husband's presidency at the Sándor Palace.
- Katalin Takács
Katalin Takács (born 25 June 1942) is a retired Hungarian swimmer who won a bronze medal in the 4 × 100 m freestyle relay at the 1962 European Aquatics Championships.
- Katalin Nagy
Katalin Nagy (May 5, 1979 in Eger, Hungary) is an ultramarathon runner and member of the USA National 24hr Ultramarathon Team.
- Katalin Boros
Katalin Boros (born 8 January 1941) is a Hungarian former swimmer.
- Katalin Burián
Katalin Burián (born 17 January 1995) is a Hungarian swimmer.
- Katalin Donáth
Katalin Donáth (born 12 November 1979) is a Hungarian athlete.
- Katalin Parragh
Katalin Parragh (born 22 January 1972) is a Hungarian judoka.
- Katalin Novák
Katalin Novák, full name Veresné Novák Katalin Éva (born September 6, 1977) is a Hungarian politician, Minister of State for Family, Youth and International Affairs since 2018, Vice President of Fidesz since 2017.
- Katalin Pál-Ribáry
Katalin Pál-Ribáry (born 28 July 1947) is a Hungarian rower.
- Katalin Sarlós
Katalin Sarlós (born 24 August 1968) is a Hungarian rower.
- Katalin zu Windisch-Graetz
Princess Katalin zu Windisch-Graetz (Katalin Prinzessin zu Windisch-Graetz in German; born 30 December 1947), formerly Baroness Katalin Hatvany de Hatvan, is a Hungarian designer, philanthropist and former model.
- Katalin Cseh
Katalin Cseh (born 29 June 1988) is a Canadian-born Hungarian physician and politician.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Katalin Numerology: Name Katalin has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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