What does the name Kristoffer mean? What is the meaning of the name Kristoffer?
Meaning of Kristoffer: Name Kristoffer in the Greek, Scandinavian origin, means Bearing Christ; Carrier of Christ; A variant form of Christopher and Kristopher. Name Kristoffer is of Greek, Scandinavian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Kristoffer are usually Christianity, Greek by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Kristoffer: Bearing Christ; Carrier of Christ; A variant form of Christopher and Kristopher
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Famous people with name Kristoffer (Namesakes)
- Kris Kristofferson
Kristoffer Kristofferson (born June 22, 1936) is an American singer-songwriter and actor.
- Kristoffer Rygg
Kristoffer Rygg (9 September 1976), also known as Garm, Trickster G. Rex and recently God Head, is a heavy-metal vocalist, musician and producer known primarily for his work with Ulver and Arcturus.
- Kristoffer Polaha
Kristoffer Jon Polaha (born February 18, 1977) is an American film and television actor.
- Kristoffer Joner
Kristoffer Joner (born 19 September 1972) is a Norwegian actor.
- Kristoffer Tabori
Kristoffer Tabori (also known as K.T. Donaldson, born Christopher Donald Siegel; August 4, 1952) is an American actor and television director.
- Kristoffer Berntsson
Johan Kristoffer Berntsson (born 13 July 1982) is a Swedish figure skater.
- Kristoffer Cusick
Kristoffer Cusick (born March 29, 1974) is an American actor of stage, television and film.
- Kristoffer Gildenlöw
Kristoffer Gildenlöw (born 27 July 1978 in Eskilstuna, Sweden) is a Swedish musician and singer-songwriter, best known for being the bassist of Swedish progressive rock band Pain of Salvation.
- Kristoffer Näfver
Kristoffer Näfver (born 28 March 1986) is a Swedish footballer who plays for Rynninge IK. He is also the sports director at the club.
- Kristoffer Andersen
Kristoffer Andersen (born 9 December 1985) is a retired Belgian-Danish footballer.
- Kristoffer Nordfeldt
Bo Kristoffer Nordfeldt (born 23 June 1989) is a Swedish professional footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Turkish club Gençlerbirliği and the Swedish national team.
- Kristoffer Olsson
Mats Kristoffer Olsson (born 30 June 1995) is a Swedish professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for FC Krasnodar in the Russian Premier League.
- Kristoffer Peterson
Kristoffer Paul Peterson (born 28 November 1994) is a Swedish professional footballer who plays as a winger for FC Utrecht, on loan from Swansea City, in the Dutch Eredivisie.
- Kristoffer Ajer
Kristoffer Vassbakk Ajer (born 17 April 1998) is a Norwegian professional footballer who plays for Scottish Premiership club Celtic.
- Kristoffer Lo
Kristoffer Lo (born 19 February 1985 in Moss, Norway) is a Norwegian jazz musician (tuba, flugabone, guitar, keyboards) and composer.
- Kristoffer Zachariassen
Kristoffer Zachariassen (born 27 January 1994) is a Norwegian footballer who plays for Rosenborg.
- Kristoffer Askildsen
Kristoffer Askildsen (born 9 January 2001) is a Norwegian professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for Serie A side Sampdoria.
- Kristoffer Klaesson
Kristoffer-August Sundquist Klaesson (born 27 November 2000) is a Norwegian football player currently playing as a goalkeeper for Vålerenga.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Kristoffer Numerology: Name Kristoffer has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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