What does the name Lakshmi mean? What is the meaning of the name Lakshmi?
Meaning of Lakshmi: Name Lakshmi in the Indian, Sanskrit origin, means Goddess of Wealth; Goddess of Prosperity; Good Fortune; Wife Of Lord Vishnu. Name Lakshmi is of Indian, Sanskrit origin and is a Boy name. People with name Lakshmi are usually Hindu by religion.
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Famous people with name Lakshmi (Namesakes)
- Lakshmi Mittal
Lakshmi Niwas Mittal (Hindi: [ˈləkʃmi nɪˈʋaːs ˈmɪtːəl] (listen); born 15 June 1950) is an Indian steel magnate, based in the United Kingdom.
- Padma Lakshmi
Padma Parvati Lakshmi Vaidynathan (born September 1, 1970), known professionally as Padma Lakshmi (pronounced [ˈpəd̪maː ˈləkʃmiː]), is an American author, actress, model, and television host.
- Panabaka Lakshmi
- Lakshmi (actress)
Yaragudipati Venkata Mahalakshmi (born on 13 December 1952), known professionally as Lakshmi, is an Indian actress known for her work in the Indian film industry.
- Lakshmi Tatma
Lakshmi Tatma is an Indian girl born in 2005 in a village in Araria district, Bihar, with "4 arms and 4 legs." She was actually one of a pair of ischiopagus conjoined twins one of which was headless because its head had atrophied and chest had not fully developed in the womb, causing the appearance of one child with four arms and four legs.
- Lakshmi Menon (model)
- Sruthi Lakshmi
Sruthi Jose (born September 8, 1990), better known by her screen name Sruthi Lakshmi, is an Indian actress acting mainly in Malayalam films and television serials.
- Lakshmi Menon (actress)
Lakshmi Menon (born 19 May 1996) is an Indian film actress, who mainly appears in Tamil films.
- Rajyalakshmi
Rajyalakshmi Chandu is a South Indian film and television actress.
- Thota Seetharama Lakshmi
Thota Sitarama Lakshmi (born 12 September 1951 Uppuluru, West Godavari district, Andhra Pradesh ) is an Indian politician from Telugu Desam Party who presently represents the party as a Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) from Andhra Pradesh, India.
Before her term as the Parliamentarian, she served as the Bhimavaram municipal Chairperson 2005–2010.
- Surabhi Lakshmi
Surabhi C. M., also known as Surabhi Lakshmi is an Indian film, television, and stage actress who appears in Malayalam films and television.
- Sunu Lakshmi
Sunu Lakshmi (27 October 1991–present) is an actress from India.
- Lakshmi (television host)
Lakshmi Unnikrishnan K (born 2 September 1991), better known by her stage name Lakshmi Nakshathra, is an Indian television presenter and radio jockey who works in Malayalam television and stage shows.
- Sunhild
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Lakshmi Numerology: Name Lakshmi has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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