What does the name Luna mean? What is the meaning of the name Luna?
Meaning of Luna: Name Luna in the United States, Roman Mythology, Italian origin, means Moon, one of the name of the Moon Goddes. Name Luna is of United States, Roman Mythology, Italian origin and is a Girl name. People with name Luna are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Luna (Namesakes)
- Diego Luna
Diego Luna Alexander (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈdjeɣo ˈluna aleksanˈdeɾ]; born December 29, 1979) is a Mexican actor, director, and producer.
- Braulio Luna
Braulio Mauricio Luna Guzmán (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈbɾawljo ˈluna]; born September 8, 1974 in Mexico, D. F., Mexico) is a former Mexican footballer.
- BarBara Luna
Barbara Ann Luna (born March 2, 1939), also stylized as BarBara Luna, is an American actress from film, television and musicals.
- Pauleen Luna
Marie Pauleen Jimenez Luna-Sotto (born November 10, 1988) is a Filipina actress and television personality.
- Jeff de Luna
Jeffrey "Jeff" de Luna (born February 14, 1984) is a Filipino professional pool player from Manila.
- Luna Brothers
Jonathan Luna (born December 10, 1978) and Joshua Luna (born January 9, 1981), professionally known as the Luna Brothers, are Filipino-American comics artists.
- Luna (singer)
Park Sun-young (born August 12, 1993), known professionally as Luna, is a South Korean singer, musical actress, television presenter and youtuber.
- Luna Maya
Luna Maya Sugeng (born 26 August 1983) is an Indonesian soap opera actress, singer and movie star of Indonesian and Austrian descent.
- Antonio Luna (footballer)
Antonio Manuel Luna Rodríguez (born 17 March 1991) is a Spanish professional footballer who plays for Rayo Vallecano on loan from Levante UD as a left back.
- Luna Schweiger
Luna Marie Schweiger (born 11 January 1997) is a German child actress.
- Adrián Luna
Adrián Nicolás Luna Retamar (born 12 April 1992) is an Uruguayan footballer who plays as an attacking midfielder for Melbourne City.
- Adrianna Luna
Adrianna Luna (born May 12, 1984) is an American pornographic actress, model, and men's club feature dancer.
- Gabriel Luna
Gabriel Isaac Luna (born December 5, 1982) is a Mexican-American actor.
- Luna Blaise
Luna Blaise (born October 1, 2001) is an American actress and singer, and is currently in NBC’s Manifest.
- Cash Luna
Carlos Enrique Luna Arango popularly known as Cash Luna (born 4 March 1962) is pastor in Guatemala and along with his wife is the founder of the Casa de Dios, one of the largest megachurches in Latin America.
- Luna (Ukrainian singer)
- Luna Bijl
Luna Bijl is a Dutch fashion model.
- Thiago Luna
- Luna Đogani
Luna Đogani (Serbian Cyrillic: Луна Ђогани; born 8 March 1996), also known professionally as Luna Đo, is a Serbian television personality and singer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Luna Numerology: Name Luna has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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