What does the name Maik mean? What is the meaning of the name Maik?
Meaning of Maik: Name Maik in the Hebrew origin, means Hebrew origin, a question 'Who is like God?'. Name Maik is of Hebrew origin and is a Boy name. People with name Maik are usually Judaism by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Maik: Hebrew origin, a question 'Who is like God?'
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Famous people with name Maik (Namesakes)
- Maik Szarszewski
Maik Szarszewski (born 14 May 1972) is a German Paralympic archer.
- Maik Taylor
Maik Stefan Taylor (born 4 September 1971) is a former Northern Ireland international football goalkeeper and, since June 2019, goalkeeping coach at Walsall.
- Maik Galakos
Ilias "Maik" Galakos (Greek: Μάικ Γαλάκος) is a retired Greek football striker who was active during the 1970s and 1980s.
- Maik Schutzbach
Maik Schutzbach (born May 31, 1986 in Tuttlingen, Baden-Württemberg) is a German former professional footballer who played as a midfielder.
- Maik Franz
- Maik Landsmann
Maik Landsmann (born 25 October 1967) is a retired track cyclist from East Germany, who represented his native country at the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul, South Korea.
- Maik Wagefeld
Maik Wagefeld (born 25 February 1981) is a German footballer who played as a midfielder.
- Maik Kegel
- Maik Kischko
Maik Kischko (born 7 July 1966) is a retired German football goalkeeper.
- Maik dos Santos
Maik Ferreira dos Santos (born 6 September 1980) is a Brazilian handball goalkeeper for Al-Rayan and the Brazilian handball team.
- Maik Baumgarten
Maik Baumgarten (born 26 April 1993) is a German footballer who currently plays for KSV Hessen Kassel.
- Maik Zirbes
Maik Zirbes (born January 29, 1990) is a German professional basketball player for Cedevita Olimpija of the Slovenian League, ABA League and the EuroCup.
- Maik Łukowicz
Maik Łukowicz (born 1 February 1995) is a footballer who plays for German team VfB Oldenburg as a forward.
- Maik Hosang
Maik Hosang (born 29 December 1961 in Bautzen) is a German Philosopher, Future Researcher and Human Ecologist.
- Maik Kuivenhoven
Maik Kuivenhoven (born 25 September 1988) is a Dutch darts player currently playing in Professional Darts Corporation events.
- Maik Kotsar
Maik-Kalev Kotsar (born 22 December 1996) is an Estonian college basketball player for the South Carolina Gamecocks of the Southeastern Conference (SEC).
- Maik Odenthal
- Maik Nill
Maik Nill (born 6 August 1963) is a German weightlifter.
- Briallen
- Briannah
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Maik Numerology: Name Maik has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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