What does the name Narek mean? What is the meaning of the name Narek?
Meaning of Narek: Name Narek in the Armenian origin, means Name of an Armenian Saint from narek, a city In ancient Armenia.. Name Narek is of Armenian origin and is a Boy name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Narek: Name of an Armenian Saint from narek, a city In ancient Armenia.
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Famous people with name Narek (Namesakes)
- Narek Sargsyan
Narek Sargsyan (Armenian: Նարեկ Ալբերտի Սարգսյան; born in 1959, Jermuk, Armenia) is the former Minister of Urban Development of Armenia and later Chairman of State Committee on Urban Development until 2018 October.
- Narek Seferjan
Narek Seferjan (born August 20, 1974) is a Russian by nationality ethnic Armenian chess Grandmaster, journalist and script writer.
- Narek Beglaryan
Narek Samveli Beglaryan (Armenian: Նարեկ Սամվելի Բեգլարյան, born 1 September 1985 in Noyemberyan) is a former Armenian football striker, who plays for Alashkert.
- Narek Hakhnazaryan
Narek Hakhnazaryan (Armenian: Նարեկ Հախնազարյան) (born October 23, 1988) is an Armenian cellist who won the gold medal for cello at the 2011 International Tchaikovsky Competition.
- Narek Margaryan
Narek Margaryan (Armenian: Նարեկ Մարգարյան, Russian: Нарек Маргарян) (born September 14, 1983 in Yerevan, Soviet Union) is an Armenian comedian, screenwriter and TV host.
- Narek Baveyan
Narek Baveyan (Armenian: Նարեկ Բավեյան, born on April 19, 1983), is an Armenian singer, songwriter and actor.
- Narek Abgaryan
Narek Abgaryan (born 6 January 1992) is an Armenian boxer.
- Narek Aslanyan
Narek Aslanyan (born 4 June 1996) is an Armenian international footballer who plays for Pyunik, as a midfielder.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 22
Baby Name Narek Numerology: Name Narek has a number value of 22 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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