What does the name Po mean? What is the meaning of the name Po?
Meaning of Po: Name Po in the Italian origin, means A river in Italy, river Po. Name Po is of Italian origin and is a Girl name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Po: A river in Italy, river Po
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SISTERS: Sibling Sister names for Po
BROTHERS: Sibling Brother names for Po
Famous people with name Po (Namesakes)
- Prince Po
Lawrence Baskerville (born August 12, 1971), better known by his stage name Prince Po, is an American rapper.
- Kimberly Po
Kimberly Po-Messerli (born October 20, 1971) is a former professional tennis player from the United States.
- Po Bronson
- Teerasak Po-on
Teerasak Po-on (Thai: ธีระศักดิ์ โพธิ์อ้น; born 18 May 1978) is a Thai professional footballer coach and former player.
- Po James
Ronald "Po" James (born March 19, 1949) is a former American football running back who played for four seasons in the National Football League for the Philadelphia Eagles from 1972–1975.
- Park Jin-po
Park Jin-Po (Korean: 박진포; born 13 August 1987) is a South Korean footballer who plays as a full back for Jeju United.
- Po-Chih Leong
Leong Po-Chih (梁普智; b.
- Woo Po-shing
Sir Po-shing Woo, LLD, FCIArb, FIMgt, FInstD, FHKMA (born 19 April 1929) is a Hong Kong solicitor, entrepreneur, politician and philanthropist.
- Po-Shen Loh
Po-Shen Loh (born June 18, 1982) is an associate professor of mathematics at Carnegie Mellon University and currently the national coach of the United States' International Math Olympiad team.
- Ei Chaw Po
Ei Chaw Po (Burmese: အိချောပို; born 3 January 1990) is a Burmese actress, model and singer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Po Numerology: Name Po has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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