What does the name Reiko mean? What is the meaning of the name Reiko?
Meaning of Reiko: Name Reiko in the Japanese origin, means The thankful child. Name Reiko is of Japanese origin and is a Unisex name.
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Lord of the night; Lord of the full moon night; Name means Lord of Full Moon Day in Sanskrit
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Leader; A surname representing a Community of dominant caste and prosperous people from the state of Andhra Pradesh
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Famous people with name Reiko (Namesakes)
- Reiko Takagi
Reiko Takagi (高木 礼子, Takagi Reiko, born November 26, 1973) is a Japanese voice actress and narrator from Osaka Prefecture, Japan.
- Reiko Takashima
Reiko Takashima (高島 礼子, Takashima Reiko, born 25 July 1964 in Yokohama, Kanagawa) is a Japanese actress.
- Reiko Chiba
Reiko Chiba (千葉 麗子, Chiba Reiko, born January 8, 1975) is a Japanese actress, voice actress, gravure idol, and occasional J-Pop singer.
- Reiko Aylesworth
Reiko M. Aylesworth (born December 9, 1972) is an American film, television and stage actress, best known for her role on the television series 24 as Michelle Dessler.
- Reiko Nakamura
Reiko Nakamura (中村 礼子, Nakamura Reiko, born May 17, 1982 in Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture) is a Japanese Olympic and Asian record-holding swimmer.
- Reiko Okano
Reiko Okano (岡野 玲子, Okano Reiko, born 24 June 1960) is a Japanese manga artist.
- Reiko Kiuchi
Reiko Kiuchi (木内レイコ, Kiuchi Reiko, born July 10, 1968 in Tokyo) is a Japanese voice actress affiliated with Ken Production.
- Reiko Ike
Reiko Ike (池 玲子, Ike Reiko, born May 25, 1953 in Tokyo, Japan) is a Japanese actress, singer, and entertainer.
- Reiko Oshida
Reiko Oshida (大信田礼子) is a Japanese actress and singer.
- Reiko Shimizu
Reiko Shimizu (清水玲子, Shimizu Reiko, born March 26, 1963 in Tokyo, Japan) is a Japanese shōjo manga writer and illustrator.
- Reiko Kataoka
Reiko Kataoka (片岡 礼子, Kataoka Reiko, born December 20, 1971) is a Japanese actress.
- Reiko Hayama
Reiko Hayama (葉山 レイコ, Hayama Reiko, born 13 July 1969) is a Japanese actress.
- Reiko Suzuki
Reiko Suzuki (鈴木れい子, Suzuki Reiko, born 15 August 1944) is a Japanese voice actress.
- Reiko Kobayashi
Reiko Kogawa (小川れい子, Kogawa Reiko, born January 15, 1961), née Reiko Kobayashi (小林れい子), is a Japanese figure skating coach and former competitor.
- Reiko Takeda
Reiko Takeda (武田 麗子, Takeda Reiko, born 14 December 1984 in Chicago, Illinois, United States) is a Japanese Olympic show jumping rider.
- Reiko Tokita
Reiko Tokita (土岐田 麗子, Tokita Reiko, born 31 May 1984, in Chiba Prefecture) is a Japanese fashion model and tarento.
- Reiko Ezoe
Reiko Ezoe (江副 令子, Ezoe Reiko, born 20 June 1942) is a Japanese sprinter.
- Reiko Aonuma
Reiko Aonuma (青沼 令子, Aonuma Reiko, born 28 January 1954) is a Japanese basketball player.
- Reiko Fujita
Reiko Fujita (born 2 July 1972) is a Japanese archer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Reiko Numerology: Name Reiko has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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