What does the name Slaven mean? What is the meaning of the name Slaven?
Meaning of Slaven: Name Slaven in the Serbian origin, means From a serbian; croatian word 'slava', means Glory. Name Slaven is of Serbian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Slaven are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Slaven: From a serbian; croatian word 'slava', means Glory
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Famous people with name Slaven (Namesakes)
- J. Paul Slavens
J. Paul Slavens is an American composer and musician based in Denton, Texas.
- Slaven Juriša
- Slaven Matan
Slaven Matan (born 17 October 1978) is a retired Swiss football goalkeeper.
- Bernie Slaven
Bernard Joseph Slaven (born 13 November 1960) is a former professional football striker.
- Slaven Bilić
Slaven Bilić (pronounced [slǎʋen bǐːlitɕ]; born 11 September 1968) is a Croatian football manager and former professional player who played as a defender.
- Slaven Rimac
Slaven Rimac (born 19 December 1974) is a Croatian professional basketball coach and former player.
- Slaven Zambata
Slaven Zambata (born 24 September 1940) is a former Croatian football player best known for his time at Dinamo Zagreb in the 1960s, for whom he appeared in 171 Yugoslav First League matches.
- Slaven Stjepanović
Slaven Stjepanović (Cyrillic: Славен Стјепановић; born 2 November 1987) is a Montenegrin professional footballer who plays as either an attacking midfielder or winger.
- Slaven Kovačević
Slaven Kovačević (Cyrillic: Cлaвeн Koвaчeвић; born 17 June 1980) is a Montenegrin football manager and former player.
- Slaven Musa
Slaven Musa (born 21 June 1971) is a Bosnian professional football manager and former player who is working as an assistant coach in the Bosnia and Herzegovina national team.
- Slaven Stanković
Slaven Stanković (Serbian Cyrillic: Славен Станковић, born January 5, 1982 in Belgrade) is a Serbian football player who plays as a midfielder.
- Slaven Čupković
Slaven Čupković (Serbian Cyrillic: Славен Чупковић; born June 23, 1988) is a Serbian professional basketball player for Alba Fehérvár of the Hungary Nemzeti Bajnokság I/A (NB I/A).
- Dian Slavens
Dian Slavens (born March 12, 1958) is a Democratic politician from Michigan who served in the Michigan House of Representatives from 2009 to 2015.
- Slaven Ravlić
Slaven Ravlić (born 1 April 1951) is Croatian lexicographer, politologist and sociologist.
He was born in Slivno near Pelješac.
- Slaven Španović
Slaven Španović (born 23 August 1988) is a Croatian actor.
- Slaven Skeledzic
Slaven Skeledzic (born 15 November 1971) is a German-Bosnian football manager.
- Slaven Došlo
Slaven "Slavko" Došlo (Serbian Cyrillic: Славен "Славко" Дошло; born 11 April 1991, Sombor, Serbia) is a Serbian actor who has won awards for his stage and screen performances.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Slaven Numerology: Name Slaven has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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