What does the name So mean? What is the meaning of the name So?
Meaning of So: Name So in the Korean origin, means Smile. Name So is of Korean origin and is a Boy name. People with name So are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name So (Namesakes)
- Kim So-yeon
Kim So-yeon (born November 2, 1980) is a South Korean actress.
- So Ji-sub
So Ji-sub (born November 4, 1977) is a South Korean actor.
- Jung So-min
Jung So-min (born Kim Yoon-ji on March 16, 1989) is a South Korean actress.
- Ko So-young
Ko So-young (Korean: 고소영; born October 6, 1972) is a South Korean actress and model.
- Kim So-eun
Kim So-eun (born September 6, 1989) is a South Korean actress.
- Kal So-won
Kal So-won (born 14 August 2006) is a South Korean child actress.
- Park So-jin
Park So-jin (born May 21, 1986), better known by the mononym Sojin, is a South Korean singer and songwriter.
- Sonia Gandhi
Sonia Gandhi (pronunciation ) (born Edvige Antonia Albina Maino; 9 December 1946) is an Indian politician.
- Wesley So
Wesley Barbasa So (born October 9, 1993) is a Filipino-American chess grandmaster and current World Fischer Random Chess Champion.
- Kim So-hyun
Kim So-hyun (Korean: 김소현; Hanja: 金所泫; born June 4, 1999) is a South Korean actress who began her career as a child actress in 2006 and initially gained public attention for playing a villainous young queen-to-be in Moon Embracing the Sun (2012) and a girl who falls into tragedy in Missing You (2013).
- Jung Ji-so
Hyun Seung-min (Korean: 현승민; born September 17, 1999), known professionally as Jung Ji-so (Korean: 정지소; sometimes romanized as Jung Ziso), is a South Korean actress.
- Park So-dam
Park So-dam (Korean: 박소담; born September 8, 1991) is a South Korean actress.
- Jeon So-mi
Ennik Somi Douma (born March 9, 2001), known by her Korean name Jeon So-mi (Korean: 전소미) or mononymously as Somi, is a Korean Canadian singer and songwriter based in South Korea, best known for finishing first in Mnet's survival reality program Produce 101 and debuting in former South Korean girl group I.O.I. She made her debut as a soloist on June 13, 2019 with single "Birthday".
- Jeon So-yeon
Jeon So-yeon (Korean: 전소연; born August 26, 1998), better known mononymously as Soyeon, is a South Korean rapper, singer, songwriter and record producer signed to Cube Entertainment.
- Han So-hee
Han So-hee (born Lee So-hee November 18, 1994) is a South Korean actress.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name So Numerology: Name So has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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