What does the name Sola mean? What is the meaning of the name Sola?
Meaning of Sola: Name Sola in the Spanish origin, means A woman who is alone. Name Sola is of Spanish origin and is a Girl name. People with name Sola are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Sola (Namesakes)
- Sola Aoi
Sola Aoi (Japanese: 蒼井 そら, Hepburn: Aoi Sora, literally Blue Sky) is a Japanese former AV idol, nude model, and film and television actress.
- John Sola
Domagoj Ivan "John" Šola (born April 15, 1944) is a former politician in Ontario, Canada.
- Shaka Sola
Shaka Sola (born 14 March 1977) is a Samoan shot putter and discus thrower who became a popular if surprising star at the 2005 World Championships in Athletics.
- Sola Abolaji
Oluwanisola "Sola" Abolaji (born March 27, 1985) is an American soccer player.
- Kike Sola
Enrique "Kike" Sola Clemente (Spanish pronunciation: [enˈrike ˈkike ˈsola kleˈmente]; born 25 February 1986) is a Spanish retired footballer who played as a striker.
- Kenneth Sola
Kenneth Sola (born 25 August 1985) is a Norwegian footballer who plays as a defender for Sandnes Ulf.
- Miguel Sola
Miguel Ángel Sola Elizalde (born 29 September 1957) is a Spanish retired footballer who played as a midfielder, and a current manager.
- Sola Fosudo
Sola Fosudo (born 1958) is a Nigerian prolific dramatist, scholar, critic, film actor and director.
- Yoel Sola
Yoel Sola Cariñanos (born 10 April 1992) is a Spanish footballer who plays for CD Izarra as a midfielder.
- Sola Kosoko
Sola Kosoko, otherwise known as Sola Kosoko-Abina (born January 7, 1980), is a Nigerian film actress and director known for Láròdá òjò.
- Celina de Sola
Celina de Sola (born November 5, 1976, El Salvador) is a Salvadoran humanitarian worker and public health expert.
- Vera Sola
Vera Sola (born November 18, 1989) is an American/Canadian singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and recording artist.
- Johnny Sola
- Louis E. Sola
Louis Ernest Sola (born January 8, 1968) is a Commissioner of the Federal Maritime Commission.
- Álex Sola
Álex Sola López-Ocaña (born 9 June 1999), sometimes known as Álex Ujía, is a Spanish professional footballer who plays for CD Numancia on loan from Real Sociedad as a right back.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 11
Baby Name Sola Numerology: Name Sola has a number value of 11 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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