
What does the name Thein mean? What is the meaning of the name Thein?

Meaning of Thein: Name Thein in the Burmese origin, means A hundred thousand. Name Thein is of Burmese origin and is a Unisex name. People with name Thein are usually Buddhist by religion.

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A hundred thousand
1 word with 5 characters
Pythagorean Numerology
Indian Vedic Numerology
Nakshatra (Birth Star)
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Example: Arun of Sanskit origin - [ ARR-UHN ]


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Famous people with name Thein (Namesakes)

  1. Yaza Win Thein

    Yaza Win Thein (born 9 April 1988) is a footballer from Myanmar.

  2. Myo Thein Gyi

    Myo Thein Gyi (Burmese: မျိုးသိမ်းကြီး; born 2 September 1965) is the incumbent Minister for Education of Myanmar.

  3. Thein Nyunt

    Thein Nyunt (Burmese: သိန်းညွန့်) is a currently one of six ministers of the President's Office, in the Cabinet of Burma (Myanmar), as well as the Mayor and the Chairman of the Naypyidaw Council, which governs the national capital.

  4. Thein Sein

    Thein Sein (Burmese: သိန်းစိန်; IPA: [θéɪɰ̃ sèɪɰ̃]; born 20 April 1944) is a Burmese politician and retired general in the Myanmar Army who served as the 8th President of Myanmar from 2011 to 2016.

  5. Aung Thein Lin

    Aung Thein Lin (Burmese: အောင်သိန်းလင်း [àʊɴ θéɪɴ lɪ́ɴ]; also spelled Aung Thein Linn) is a Burmese politician, and a member of parliament at the Pyithu Hluttaw from the South Okkalapa constituency.

  6. Nilar Thein

    Nilar Thein (Burmese: နီလာသိန်း, pronounced [nìlà θéiɴ]) is a Burmese democracy activist and political prisoner imprisoned from 2008 to 2012 at Thayet prison in Burma's Magway Region.

  7. Thein Htaik

    Thein Htaik (Burmese: သိန်းထိုက်) is the Union Auditor General of Myanmar, appointed to the post on 7 September 2012.

  8. Thein Htay

    Thein Htay (Burmese: သိန်းဌေး) was the former Minister for Border Affairs and Minister for Industrial Development of Myanmar (Burma).

  9. Soe Thein

    Soe Thein (Burmese: စိုးသိန်း; born 7 September 1949 in Rangoon, Burma) is the incumbent Minister of the President's Office of Myanmar (Burma) and a former Minister for Industry-2 of Myanmar (Burma).

  10. Thein Swe

    Thein Swe (Burmese: သိန်းဆွေ) is a Burmese politician and political prisoner who currently serves as an Amyotha Hluttaw member of parliament for Ayeyarwady Region' Constituency № 10 (Dedaye and Pyapon Townships).

  11. Thein Tun

    Thein Tun (Burmese: သိန်းထွန်း; also spelt Thein Htun; born 5 December 1947) is a retired Burmese Major-general and politician, serving as the Minister for Posts and Telecommunications of Myanmar.

  12. Thein Zaw

    Thein Zaw (Burmese: သိန်းဇော်; born 5 May 1994) is a footballer from Burma, and a defender for Myanmar national football team.

  13. Joe Thein

    Joe Thein (born July 17, 1991 in Esch-sur-Alzette) is a Luxembourgish politician and former councillor.

    He is living in Lamadelaine in the commune of Pétange.

  14. Phyo Min Thein

    Phyo Min Thein(Burmese: ဖြိုးမင်းသိန်း; born 13 April 1969) is a Burmese politician and former political prisoner who is currently serving as Chief Minister of Yangon Region and Yangon Region Parliament MP for Hlegu Township Constituency No.

  15. Hla Thein

    Hla Thein (born 25 April 1944) is a Burmese long-distance runner.

  16. Thein Tun Oo

    Thein Tun Oo (Burmese: သိန်းထွန်းဦး, also spelt Thein Htun Oo; born 16 August 1966) is a Burmese politician who served as member of parliament in the Pyithu Hluttaw for Amarapura Township from 2011 to 2016.

  17. Han Thein

    Han Thein (born 20 March 1998) is a basketball player from Myanmar.

  18. Kyaw Thein

    Kyaw Thein (Burmese: ကျော်သိန်း, born 11 March 1954) is a Burmese politician who currently serves as an Amyotha Hluttaw MP for Rakhine State No.

  19. Wyne Su Khaing Thein

    Wyne Su Khaing Thein also Wine Su Khine Thein (Burmese: ဝိုင်းစုခိုင်သိန်း; born on 24 December 1986) is a Burmese actress and Singer.

  20. Mya Thein

    Mya Thein (born 10 March 1936) is a Burmese weightlifter.

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Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details

Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 11

Baby Name Thein Numerology: Name Thein has a number value of 11 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about name Thein

What is the meaning of Thein?
Name Thein means A hundred thousand as per The ParentZ Baby Name Finder, largest baby names list. Learn more Thein Name Meaning and Origin.
What is the numerology of baby name Thein?
Name Thein has numerology 5 as per The ParentZ.
What does Thein mean?
Name Thein means A hundred thousand as per The ParentZ
What is the meaning and origin of the baby name Thein?
Thein means A hundred thousand and is a Burmese name given to Unisexs as per The ParentZ
How can I suggest alternate meaning of the name Thein?
You can use our suggest meaning and origin form to suggest alternate meaning of the name Thein.