What does the name Yuka mean? What is the meaning of the name Yuka?
Meaning of Yuka: Name Yuka in the Inuit origin, means A bright Star. Name Yuka is of Inuit origin and is a Unisex name.
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Famous people with name Yuka (Namesakes)
- Yuka Imai
Yuka Imai (今井 由香, Imai Yuka, born September 19, 1970 in Atami, Shizuoka) is a Japanese former voice actress who was previously represented by Gekidan Moonlight and by Atomic Monkey at the time of her retirement.
- Yuka Sato
Yuka Sato (佐藤 有香, Satō Yuka, born February 14, 1973) is a Japanese former competitive figure skater.
- Yuka Inokuchi
Yuka Inokuchi (猪口 有佳, Inokuchi Yuka, born June 5, 1978) is a Japanese voice actress who is affiliated with Ken Production.
- Yuka Kashino
Yuka Kashino (樫野 有香, Kashino Yuka), nicknamed Kashiyuka (かしゆか, stylized as KASHIYUKA), is a Japanese singer and dancer.
- Yuka Iguchi
Yuka Iguchi (井口 裕香, Iguchi Yuka, born July 11, 1988) is a Japanese voice actress and singer from Tokyo.
- Yuka Motohashi
Yuka Motohashi (本橋 由香, Motohashi Yuka, born February 23, 1978, in Tokyo, Japan) is a Japanese actress who is affiliated with Office Matsuda.
- Yuka Koide
Yuka Koide (小出 由華, Koide Yuka, born January 5, 1985) is a Japanese actress, model, and entertainer who is represented by Geiei.
- Yuka Kinoshita
Yuka Kinoshita (木下ゆうか, Kinoshita Yūka, born February 4, 1985) is a Japanese YouTuber and competitive eater.
- Yuka Itaya
Yuka Itaya (板谷 由夏, Itaya Yuka, born 22 June 1975, in Fukuoka Prefecture) is a Japanese actress and caster.
- Yuka Ozaki
Yuka Ozaki (尾崎 由香, Ozaki Yuka, born 15 May 1993) is a Japanese actress, voice actress and singer.
- Yuka Ando
Yuka Ando (安藤 友香, Andō Yuka, born 16 March 1994, Gifu Prefecture, Japan) is a Japanese long distance runner.
- Yuka Ogino
Yuka Ogino (荻野由佳, Ogino Yuka, born February 16, 1999 in Koshigaya, Saitama, Japan) is a Japanese singer and model.
- Yuka Kuramochi
Yuka Kuramochi (倉持 由香, Kuramochi Yuka, born 6 November 1991) is a Japanese gravure idol, tarento, and actress.
- Yuka Saso
Yuka Saso (笹生 優花, Saso Yūka) is a Filipino professional golfer of Japanese descent.
- Yuka Mannami
Yuka Mannami (萬波ユカ, Mannami Yuka, born August 23, 1992) is a Japanese fashion model.
- Kamuna
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Moola Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Yuka Numerology: Name Yuka has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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