Protection against mosquito bites
- Protect your child against mosquito bites regularly to prevent spread of disease.
- Make sure that your child wears protective clothing which is long sleeved and lose fit.
- Use mosquito repellents on the exposed skin of your child. Repellents with DEET are most effective. Make sure that you use age appropriate repellents and do not use those containing lemon oil of eucalyptus in children under 3 years of age.
- Use protective net screens which should cover the doors and windows of your house.
- You can also use mosquito nets which contain permethrin to surround the bed and the play area of your child.
- Ensure that your child maintains proper hygiene and showers regularly as mosquitoes are more attracted to people who are smelly or sweat more often.
Control mosquito population
- Control of mosquito population in very important in controlling diseases such as Chikungunya.
- You should ensure that there is no stagnant water collected around your house.
- Always clean water containers in your house which are stagnant such as flower vases.
- Always put a lid or cover on larger water containers.
- You can also add indoor insecticides spraying in your house cleaning routine.
Smart travel
You should avoid travelling to areas with an active Chikungunya outbreak with your family and children. Travelling to such areas puts your child at an increased risk of contracting the infection.
If inevitable, take proper precautions while traveling as using mosquito repellents and wearing protective clothing. For staying, choose a place which has air conditioning indoors as lower temperatures reduce mosquitos or at least a mesh screen and net which will prevent entry of mosquitos in your room.
Choose an area to stay which is not crowded, has good community hygiene and does not have open garbage dumps or open stagnant water sources around.