What does the name Alf mean? What is the meaning of the name Alf?
Meaning of Alf: Name Alf in the Italian, Spanish, Gothic origin, means Gothic - Noble and Ready; English - Inspired Advice; Old Peace Derived from the element Alfr which means Elf; A variant of name Alfonso and Alfie. Name Alf is of Italian, Spanish, Gothic origin and is a Boy name. People with name Alf are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Alf (Namesakes)
- Alf Westerberg
Alf Westerberg (born 15 November 1960) is a Swedish football manager.
- Alf Oldham
- Alf Rehn
Alf Rehn is a Finnish professor, author and speaker based in Finland.
- Alf Mintzel
Alf Mintzel is a German former professional footballer who played as a left-back or midfielder.
- Alf Svensson
Alf Robert Olof Svensson (born 1 October 1938) is a Swedish politician.
- Alf Clausen
Alf Heiberg Clausen (born March 28, 1941) is an American film and television composer.
- Alf-Inge Håland
Alf-Inge Rasdal Håland (anglicised to Haaland; born 23 November 1972), is a Norwegian former professional footballer who played as a defender or midfielder for English clubs Nottingham Forest, Leeds United and Manchester City.
- Alf Rekstad
Alf Martin Rekstad (born 28 September 1951 in Bogen, Evenes) is a Norwegian speed skater.
- Alf Segersäll
Alf Ove Segersäll (born 16 March 1956) is a Swedish racing cyclist.
- Alf King
Alfred N. King (born 25 September 1941) is a former Australian rules footballer who played for the Essendon Football Club in the Victorian Football League (VFL).
- Alf Beus
- Alf Chown
- Alf Brandt
Alf Brandt (born 25 July 1958) is a Swedish racewalker.
- Alf Hulbækmo
Alf Hulbækmo (born 17 March 1992) is a Norwegian award winning musician (piano, keyboards, harmonica, saxophone, and vocals) and composer, son of the traditional folk musicians Tone Hulbækmo and Hans Fredrik Jacobsen, and brother of drummer Hans Hulbækmo.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Alf Numerology: Name Alf has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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