What does the name Alfons mean? What is the meaning of the name Alfons?
Meaning of Alfons: Name Alfons in the Italian, Spanish, Gothic, German origin, means Gothic - Noble and Ready; A variant form of the name Alfonso. Name Alfons is of Italian, Spanish, Gothic, German origin and is a Boy name. People with name Alfons are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Alfons: Gothic - Noble and Ready; A variant form of the name Alfonso
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Famous people with name Alfons (Namesakes)
- Alfons De Wolf
Alfons ("Fons") De Wolf (born 22 June 1956 in Willebroek) is a retired Belgian road race cyclist, a professional from 1979 to 1990.
- Alfons Schuhbeck
Alfons Schuhbeck (born on May 2, 1949) is one of Germany's top chefs, as well as being a restaurateur, celebrity chef, author and businessman.
- Alfons Groenendijk
Alfons Groenendijk (Dutch pronunciation: [ˈɑlfɔns ˈxrunə(n)dɛik]; born 17 May 1964) is a Dutch former professional footballer and current manager.
- Alfons Alzamora
Alfons Alzamora Ametller (born May 20, 1979) is a Spanish professional basketball player currently playing for Bàsquet Girona of the Liga EBA.
- Alfons Higl
- Alfons Serra
Alfons Serra Fabra (born 10 December 1990) is a Spanish footballer who plays for Arandina CF as an attacking midfielder.
- Alfons (comedian)
Alfons is the stage name of Emmanuel Peterfalvi (born March 17, 1967 in Paris), a French comedian in Germany.
Peterfalvi came to Germany for his military service in the French Army.
- Alfons Bierebeek
Alfons Bierebeek (born 10 June 1934) is a Belgian former swimmer.
- Alfons Fosu-Mensah
Alfons Fosu-Mensah (born 4 March 1994), previously known as Alfons Agbolosoo, is a Dutch footballer who plays as a forward for Stalybridge Celtic.
- Alfons Sidler
Alfons Sidler (born 1 November 1934) is a Swiss long-distance runner.
- Alfons Sampsted
Alfons Sampsted (born 6 April 1998) is an Icelandic footballer who plays as a defender for Norwegian Eliteserien side Bodø/Glimt.
- Alfons Niklas
Alfons Niklas (born 20 January 1929) is a Polish athlete.
- Alfons Rissberger
Alfons Rissberger (born May 25, 1948 in Worms) is a German entrepreneur, business consultant and author as well as initiator and founding board member of, the biggest initiative between politics and economy for Germany's digital future.
- Alfons Ślusarski
Alfons Ślusarski (born 23 January 1942) is a Polish rower.
- Alfons Stawski
Alfons Stawski (born 1 January 1945) is a Polish boxer.
- Alfons Amade
- Alfons Dorner
Alfons Dorner (born 1 November 1936) is a German cross-country skier.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Alfons Numerology: Name Alfons has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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